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Lior - 2023-11-16

Dear Soldier, My name is Lior, I live in Edmonton, Alberta. I go to school here at Jasper Place HighSchool. I was born in Haifa, Israel and moved here over a decade ago at 5 years old. I am writing this letter to you, to show my understanding and growth, in and of this world due to the sacrifice you’ve given for our country to be a better place. With this letter, I show my respect, appreciation, and thankfulness for your deeds of serving our country. With all my love, gratitude and respect. Thank you, Lior.

Namita - 2023-11-16

Dear Service Member, I am an Edmonton high school student who has lived in Canada for as long as she can remember. I have many cousins and family members who participate in Cadets, and I too have done Cadets for around two years. My dad and uncle both served in the military for 3-6 years, and I also have a cousin who is currently serving in the Canadian Armed Forces. I love to play sports, but the military, and the air force has always interested me. Remembrance Day means a lot to my family, as we feel that we have strong connections towards the forces. I want to dedicate this letter to thanking you for your service. This free country that I sometimes take for granted was a result of your sacrifices, and the world will never be able to stop showing you gratitude. Every time I go to school to receive an education, every election my parents partake in, and every meal and glass of water that I think nothing of is thanks to you and the Armed Forces in general. It is so selfless of you to sacrifice your freedoms in order to give the world more liberty, and I admire that. I hope for the world to experience peace, and for wars to stop happening. I also hope for the children whose parents need to leave to serve, the soldiers that have died on the front-lines, and the veterans who came home after years of hardship all find peace, and rest easy. I hope to live long enough to see freedom all over the world, and for the suffering of all citizens to stop.

Erika - 2023-11-16

Dear veteran, I am writing this letter to thank you for your services and sacrifices. I am a grade 11 Edmonton highschool student. My hobbies outside of school vary depending on my current interests. Sometimes I learn new piano or guitar pieces, other times I crochet and knit or I go out and play some sports with my friends. I love learning new skills and trying new things I have not attempted before. Though I can confidently say that I have not experienced serving the country. Thank you for putting your life at risk for my and everyone else's safety, I thank you for all of the time you have served in the military for our country and our people. I shall not forget the sacrifices you have made for me and for the world. I hope that in the future we will not have any more wars and conflicts with one another, we will not let your service go unnoticed, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Yours sincerely. -Erika

Malachi - 2023-11-16

Dear service member, my name is Malachi Marks. I am 16 years old and am a Edmonton high school student. I was born in Lloydminster, Canada. I enjoy playing sports in my free time, and watching movies. I play football, soccer, badminton and volleyball. But my favorite sport to play is basketball. It is a lot of fun and is very important to me, I play it almost every day at home with my friends and family. I also have fun skiing and skating during the winter as well. Thank you for serving our country and protecting the rights and freedoms of Canadian citizens. Your service has kept us safe and made our future possible. I thank you for your dedication to protecting our country and people. You are very important to me and our country. I hope that equality for all Canadians will continue to grow and our freedoms will remain protected. I hope our rights and freedoms remain with us and we will continue to remember and be thankful for your great service. Your service has had an important role in our lives. Thank you for fighting for us.

Zara - 2023-11-16

Dear service member reading this, I hope this letter finds you well, my name is Zara and I’m a high school student in grade 12 in Edmonton. I was born in Ireland but moved to Canada when I was twelve. I like swimming, boxing, crocheting, and reading in my free time. Thank you for your service and continuing to fight for our country. You make the world we live in possible and inspire so many people with what you do. I hope in the future children, brothers, sisters, wives, and husbands don’t need to sacrifice their lives to help bring peace between countries due to selfish people and we can amicably resolve world issues. Thanks for reading. -Zara L.

KaQ - 2023-11-16

Dear service member, I am an Edmonton high school student, and I am writing to thank you for your service. The freedom we often take for granted is only possible because of your sacrifices. I hope you know how important your sacrifices are to us, and that you will continue to fight for our future. The world needs more people like you. Sincerely, An Edmonton High School student

Ealiyah - 2023-11-16

Dear service member, I am an Edmonton highschool student and I was born in the Philippines. My family and I immigrated to Canada when I was 6 years old. Ever since, we’ve stayed in Edmonton. When I’m older, I hope to be able to go out and travel. I love spending time with my family and hanging out with my friends. My interests/ hobbies recently have been photography, crocheting, reading, and music. I really want to learn more instruments. I mostly want to learn the drums. I used to be more instrumental. I know how to play the piano, but I’m not that good at it. Thank you for your service to our country. I definitely take things for granted, and never take appreciation for the things around me. Thank you for serving so you give us opportunities in life. Thank you for freeing our country. Thank you for serving so that families around the world can start a new life in Canada. Thank you for fighting so that my family was given an opportunity for a better life. I am grateful for Remembrance Day so that people like me are reminded to take appreciation and are able to think and understand what service members have sacrificed for us. My hope is that you are safe and that you know that there are millions of people thankful for you. I pray that you’ll be able to go home safe to your family and friends and get to live your life free. Thank you for my life and freedom.

Fallyn - 2023-11-16

To the service member who may receive this, Hello there, my name is Fallyn. I attend Jasper Place High School as a grade 11 student in Edmonton, Alberta. Some of my interests consist of story-telling, writing, playing soccer and hanging out with my niece’s and nephew’s. I wanted to say thank you for your service and all the lives you’re helping to improve and create a safer world for them to live in. I want to say thank you for fighting for the rights and freedoms of those I love and care for, as well as my surrounding peers and the Canadian population.

Jaylee - 2023-11-16

Dear whoever may be reading this, My name is Jaylee Fraser, I was born in Edmonton. I am currently attending Jasper Place High school as a grade eleven student. I find interests in many things such as: baking, cooking, work and a handful of sports. I had a family member who passed away serving in the war, my great grandfather. Taking this day to remember and acknowledge those who have served so thank you for those who do and take care of the ones who don't. The world wouldn't be possible without your services to this day. I wish the world the best and with your help that will make it possible.

JAyden - 2023-11-16

Hello, my name is Jayden. I am currently a high school student who is 16 years old studying in Edmonton at Jasper Place High School. I was born in the Philippines in the city of Tuguegarao. I came to Canada when I was 2 years old and I don't speak any other languages besides English. I have interests in sports like Basketball, Volleyball and Badminton. I like to watch sports on television and I am a huge fan of the NBA. I would have to say my favorite team in the NBA is the Golden State Warriors. I also like to play Basketball with friends but I am not as good as the players you see on television. I am also a fan of a lot of video games. I was given a PC from my parents and started playing when I was 10 years old. My favorite video game to play currently is a game called Risk of Rain 2 on steam.

Brad - 2023-11-16

Edmonton is a great place to live and I love biking and hiking down the valley where the trees swish by the North Saskatchewan River but now that winter is starting to come around I have been more intrigued by more solitude interests to keep me busy throughout the cold winter months which is the hobby of vehicles. Cars alone I am unable to buy or even use them so I resort to a much less dangerous hobby of building little plastic replicas in my own free time. As a citizen there are many moments of reflection where I look back on where I live and compare to the hundreds of countries that exist in the world and the billions of people that reside in them, that is what I am grateful for. Many people do take for granted the many fortunes this country has to offer and one of the main reasons why this country is so full of fortune is because of the service that the soldiers have sacrificed to save those in need. One of the many hopes for the near future is that conflicts come to an end or become near silent as conflicts resolve one little political problem but it also causes a much bigger problem of the harm of many people. So in the near future I hope that many countries can come to a more diplomatic approach instead of announcing war among one another as we have evidence of the harm that is caused through this. It always ends in a loss for both countries in a war as it is death for both ends and money sent down the drain with military weapons constantly obstructed.

Nicola - 2023-11-16

Dear Veteran, I am an Edmonton high school student, I like to make new pieces of clothing and I also like to watch movies in my free time. One of my favorite movies is called 20th century girl, it is a very interesting and depressing kind of movie. Thank you for your service, it is because of your service that we are able to live how we do today. Thank you also for the sacrifices you have made for us to live like this. A wish I have for the world is for wars to be nonexistent in the near future and for the armed forces to continue to grow and none of them be injured and hurt. -Nicola C.

JP High School - 2023-11-16

Dear Service Member, My name is Carl Caoie and I am a student at Jasper Place High School. I am from the Philippines, a country that resides in Southeast asia. I was born in Bataan but moved to Mariveles Pangasinan at the age of 2 and I came to Canada at the age of 8 in the year 2016. Currently in grade 11; I play basketball for fun and go out with my friends a lot. I am thankful for all those who has given their life to keep our country safe.

Lev - 2023-11-16

My name is Lev, I'm a highschool student in Edmonton alberta. I was born here and have lived here my whole life. A little bit more about me is that I play basketball everyday for 1.5 hours and I also play guitar. I would like to thank you for your service and how without you I wouldn't be able to live here in peace. MY wish for the world is that the armed forces can keep peace while also finding peaceful solutions to conflicts. I also wish that the world can learn more about cooperation and empathy. Lev Cairns

Toby - 2023-11-16

To the servicemember receives this, My name is Toby Biden, I go to Jasper Place High School in Edmonton. I'm Edmonton born and raised and I'm in grade eleven. In my free time I enjoy working out, cooking, metalworking and playing rugby. I've always had an interest in joining the Armed Forces but I'm not entirely sure what branch I'd go into. I know you've probably heard it hundreds, if not thousands of times but thank you for your service. Its hard to put into words how truly grateful I am for how much you do for our country. I don't think I could imagine a world without the sacrifices you've made for Canadians. I hope you and all your fellow servicemembers the absolute best. I wish you safe holidays and a Happy New Year. Stay safe!

Rylan - 2023-11-16

My name is Rylan and I am a student in Grade 11 at Jasper Place High School in Edmonton. My immediate family includes me my Mom, Dad, and younger sister who is in grade 5. We also have a cat named Taffy. I was born here in Edmonton and it has always been my home. I enjoy my time outdoors here specifically my time in the river valley. I play hockey and have for the past 8 years which is something I thoroughly enjoy. I also started officiating hockey games this year. I am thankful for your service and the service of the many others who have worked in the Canadian armed forces. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by all Canadians. The effects of your service are very visible and allow us to live in peace here in Canada. The saftey and security we experience here is due to your work. The great world we live in would not be the same without you. My hopes for the future would be a safer enviroment for all people in all countries. I also hope for the exploitation of people to end and for those who are suppressed to have accessible help for what ever there situation is. Thank you for your service all that you do is greatly appreciated.

JP High School - 2023-11-16

Thank you for your service, for all the countless lives you’ve saved and brought peace upon. Without you the world wouldnt be the place it is today

Liam - 2023-11-16

Dear Service Member, My name is Liam Bandsma, and I am currently in grade 11 at Jasper Place High School. I was born just outside of Edmonton, and I have lived here my whole life. Growing up I have always had the freedom to play sports, and participate in the competitive activities that I love.

Jester - 2023-11-16

Hi there, I’m a high school student living in Edmonton and I just wanted to take this time to thank you. You may not know it, but you’ve changed my life for the better. My quality of life in Edmonton is amazing, I come from the countryside of the Philippines where I helped my family plant rice, yeah, captivating story. Either way, I have you to thank in some part for the freedoms and life I now enjoy today as a citizen of Canada. I mean, I’ve been able to get a world class education, something I couldn’t do back home because of where we lived. On the behalf of everyone in this country, we thank you for your service in the armed forces. You maintain peace and order in this otherwise fractured world, may you one day return home safe.

Dale - 2023-11-16

Im writing you an email saying how thankful I am of how much you have done for our country. you guys have done so much for us you have put so much of your time into us and i hope you guys live a happy life.  

Dara - 2023-11-15

Chers, hommes et femmes des forces armées canadiennes, je vous remercie pour votre service et le maintien de la paix dans les nations. Sans vous, notre monde ne serait pas ce qu'il est. Merci de m'avoir fait sentir en sécurité et d'avoir toujours lutté pour ma liberté en tant qu'étudiante canadienne. Sincèrement, Dara

Eyaqem - 2023-11-15

thank you for your service

Sophia - 2023-11-15

Dear troops, i hope you are doing well. Thank you for fighting for freedom.

Kayla - 2023-11-15

Dear Veterans, Thank you for your sacrifices and bravery to keep the world a peaceful place. We won’t forget the soldiers who went to war and died for our freedom. we wish you a safe return home. Sincerely, Kayla

Bella - 2023-11-15

Dear troops I am writing this thank you note to show my gratitude for your selfless personality and putting your life risk to help us

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