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Shane from GG - 2023-11-15

We Thank You for Protecting our nation. We are grateful to have Such brave people.

Shawn from GG - 2023-11-15

Dear Soliders i am Thankfull for all of the Hard work You have done to Protect Our Country.

JS from Brampton - 2023-11-15

Thank You for protecting our nation I hope you see your loved. ones soon and Thank you for joining the army so we don't get hurt.

Allen - 2023-11-15

Dear Canadian Soilders, i thank yall gangstas for the work u putting in across the barren landscapes. preciate u keeping me and my bare gyaldem from harm. praying for yall to come pack in one piece, cdogfrmdaeastside out. Peace

Eren - 2023-11-15

Dear Canadian soldiers, I pre da work u did in aghanistan and i preciate da freedom for manz to trap styll llove from the mandem and the gyaldem ekfrm63rd one time my slimes

Allen - 2023-11-15

sup gang keep it up out on dem streets fam, gets pre rough out dere but remember who manz is fighting for and shoot dem bitches on wallaahi

Eren - 2023-11-15

wag1 my twins. i am preing you service and preciate it love from yeg ones.

Shafie - 2023-11-15

Hello l am Shafie. l was born in Somalia. l am here to thank you all for what you all did.

Kacie - 2023-11-15

Greetings veteran my name is kacie I’m 11 years old and a Canadian student. I would like to say thank you for your service and positive. Are world would not be how it is now if it wasn’t for you thank you so much I hope you’re having a good day and I hope your doing good thank you and have a great day. Sincerely Kacie

Lorien Liang - 2023-11-15

Dear Canadian Soldiers, my kids and I would like to thank you for the sacrifices you and your family make for our country. The safety we feel everyday living in Canada is all because of the protection you give us. We appreciate everything you and your families do and wish you a long and happy life. Thank you :)

Sam - 2023-11-15

Hello, my name is Sam! I wanted to thank you for your service to our country!

Kyle - 2023-11-14

Dear brave soldiers, we want to say a big thank you for your bravery and sacrifice. You stood strong to protect our freedom, and we're really grateful for that. Thinking about all you did, even though you're not here, makes us appreciate you even more. We also want to thank your families for supporting you. Your service reminds us how important it is to value the freedom you fought for. We promise to remember and honour what you did for us. Your courage will always be remembered, and we'll make sure future generations know about it too.

Averly - 2023-11-14

Dear Soldier, Thank you for fighting for our country. I appreciate you for sacrificing for my family and friends. You make the world a peaceful place. I appreciate you fighting so we don't have to. I'm so grateful that you are protecting us. Sincerely, Averly.

Aubree - 2023-11-14

Dear Canadian Soldier, I`m very thankful that you`re risking your lives for everyone else. You`re putting our needs before yours. Thanks to you, I can live a happy, calm life and not have to worry about war. Even though you had to sacrifice some things or body parts, you should be proud of yourself. You did a great job, and everyone should love you for that. I`m writing this letter to you because I learned about all the terrible things that could have happened to all the soldiers and some could have died. I feel bad for everyone that had to suffer the pain, even though you guys volunteered to do it. I bet your family was really happy to see you, and you were happy to see them. I`m really happy that you at least made it back alive. I am also really happy because your family got to see you after the war. Though, I do feel bad that you had to separate from your family. Yours Truly, Aubree Grade 5 EQV

Xavier - 2023-11-14

Dear Canadian Soldier, I hope you are doing well. I appreciate how you keep Canada safe. I also appreciate how you do a lot of sacrifices for your family. I like how you help other countries in war like the Ukraine. I am writing to you because we know that you are doing a part in keeping us safe. Yours Truly, Xavier Grade 5 EQV

Sydney - 2023-11-14

Dear Canadian Soldier, I hope you are doing well. I appreciate how you keep Canada safe and help other countries. The reason I wrote this is because we were learning about you anyways. This is my first time writing a soldier. I really hope that I can meet you and I hope you can meet your family. I wish you good luck. I don`t have much time to talk to you. I hope you respond and I hope you see your family. I need to go Bye and good luck. Yours Truly, Sydney Grade 4 EQV

Edouard - 2023-11-14

Dear Canadian Soldier, I hope you are doing well. I really appreciate your sacrifice - how you keep Canada safe like we are right now. I`m sure that you are an incredible soldier. Yours Truly, Edouard Grade 4 EQV

Emilia - 2023-11-14

Dear Canadian Soldier, I hope you are doing well. Thank you for keeping Canada safe and other countries. I feel really bad because you had to go to war and I hope you didn`t get hurt badly and if you did, I hope it is better now. Last week in English class we learned about many soldiers who passed away in the wars. Did you get to see your family? If you did, I hope they are doing well. HAVE A GOOD DAY! Yours Truly, Emilia Grade 4 EQV

Alex - 2023-11-14

Dear Canadian Soldier, I hope you are doing well. I appreciate how you keep Canada safe and help other countries. Did you have friends in the wars? Do you help the Ukraine? Do you miss your family? Yours Truly, Alex Grade 5 EQV

Bella - 2023-11-14

Dear Canadian Soldier, I hope you are doing well. Thank you for your sacrifices that you made for us. In my opinion, I think the war was a terrible thing to do and I think that you might too. What did you do in the war? I hope you are doing well. Do you like peacekeeping? At my home on Remembrance Day me and my sister made a little Remembrance Day ceremony at home. I love learning about holidays and culture but learning about the war is heartbreaking and I wish that it never happened. Thank you for a little bit of your time to tell you how I feel. Thank you for our amazing peace. Yours Truly, Bella Grade 5 EQV

Yacine - 2023-11-14

Dear Canadian Soldier, I hope you are doing well. Thank you for your help. I really thank all the soldiers that help Canada and other countries. When we are at school on November 11th, we have a ceremony. When we do the two minutes of silence we think of the soldiers that were fighting in the wars. What would we do without you! THANK YOU! Yours Truly, Yacine Grade 5 EQV

Ryder - 2023-11-14

Dear Canadian Soldier, I hope you are doing well in the wars. I appreciate how you keep Canada safe and help other countries. I`m wondering if you play Fortnite. If yes, then please tell me your nametag. And do you miss your family? Yours Truly, Ryder Grade 5 EQV

Alex - 2023-11-14

Dear Canadian Soldier, I hope you are doing well. I appreciate how you keep Canada safe and help other countries. I hope all of your friends made it back home. Do you miss your family? Yours Truly, Alex Grade 5 EQV

Olivier - 2023-11-14

Dear Canadian Soldier, I appreciate you making sacrifices for our country and other countries and surviving the wars. People have lost their loved ones. If you lost friends, I`m very sorry. I can`t imagine what it is like helping others like the Ukraine to fight Russia. Yours Truly, Olivier Grade 5 EQV

Isabelle - 2023-11-14

Dear Canadian Soldier, I hope you are doing well. I appreciate how you risked your life for peace and freedom. You soldiers sacrificed so many times to make Canada safe for us. Thank you so much, we all appreciate it. You are a peacekeeper. We`re writing this because we learned about these soldiers and had a ceremony and two minutes of silence to remember all the soldiers that sacrificed their lives for peace. Yours Truly, Isabelle Grade 4 EQV

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