Parker - 2024-11-12
Dear Canadian troop,Thank you for defending our country.Thank you for helping people that get hurt during battle.Thank you for persevering through battle.I honor you because you take risks.Thank you for being brave.
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Dear Canadian troop,Thank you for defending our country.Thank you for helping people that get hurt during battle.Thank you for persevering through battle.I honor you because you take risks.Thank you for being brave.
Cher militaire,moi et ma classe voudrions vous remercier pour ce que vous avez fait pour notre peuple et notre liberté.Deux fois de suite notre pays a triomphé et vous y avez contribué.Je suis infiniment reconnaissant car vous avez été très courageux de vous battre pour notre patrie.
Chers militaires je vous remercie d'avoir mis notre pays si merveilleux en paix ,car j'ai envie de rester en vie. Je tiens à ma vie.Je suis épaté par le courage que vous avez eu,moi j'aurais change de pays pour ne pas être impliqué.Encore merci!!!! Eli
Cher militaire, on apprécie vraiment ce que vous avez fait ces dernières années avec toutes les guerres qui a eu. Vous avez vraiment instauré la paix dans le pays. Je vous remercie grandement pour toutes les choses que vous avez fait. Vous avez laissé une partie de votre âme pour la liberté. Nous allons jamais vous oublier. Sienna M.
Mardi 12 novembre Chers militaires, Je m'appelle Wes et je veux vous dire un énorme merci pour tout ce que vous faites pour nous. Même si je suis encore un enfant, je comprends que votre travail est dur. Vous devez parfois partir loin de votre maison, dans des endroits où c'est très dangereux, et cela me touche beaucoup. Grâce à vous, nous pouvons vivre dans un pays où nous sommes en sécurité, aller à l'école, jouer avec nos amis et faire tout ce que nous aimons sans avoir peur. Vous nous protégez tous les jours, même quand nous ne vous voyons pas, et c'est grâce à vous que nous pouvons vivre notre vie normalement.
Chers vétérans, Merci pour tout ce que vous avez fait pour notre pays et notre liberté. Moi, si mon papa devait aller en guerre, je serais vraiment triste. Je suis contente que vous lisez ma carte parce que je sais que vous êtes en vie. Vous êtes vraiment de braves et courageux guerriers. Merci vraiment pour tout. Merci d'avoir protégé votre peuple. Merci chers vétérans pour votre sacrifice. Bonne journée, Ève
Chers militaires, On apprécie vraiment ce que vous avez fait pendant les guerres. Moi, si mon père serait allé à la guerre, je serais vraiment triste. Je vous remercie du fond du coeur pour avoir sauvé notre pays. Je suis très reconnaissante. Je suis contente que vous êtes en vie et que vous puissiez lire ma carte. Merci encore à tous vout. Merci d'être là pour nous. Marguerite M.
Chers soldats canadiens, Je voudrais vous exprimer ma gratitude et mon admiration pour votre dévouement et votre courage. Chaque jour, vous êtes confrontés à des défis et des situations incroyables qui exigent la force, une discipline, et une qui dépassent l’imagination de beaucoup d’entre nous. Non seulement vous défendez la paix et la sécurité, mais vous êtes aussi des symboles d’espoir et de liberté. Je sais que celui d'un soldat est loin d’être facile. Vous traversez des moments de doute, de fatigue, de séparation et parfois même de peur. Mais sachez que votre engagement a un impact profond et durable. Vous n’êtes pas seulement là pour protéger les territoires, mais aussi pour représenter des valeurs d’humanité, de solidarité et de justice dans un monde souvent plein de conflits. Votre courage est une source d’inspiration et votre force nous rapelle que la liberté et la paix ne sont jamais garanties. Avec tout le respect et la gratitude qui vous sont dus, je vous souhaite courage, force et sérénité dans tout ce que vous ferez. Je vous remercie pour votre service. Avec toute ma gratitude et mon admiration, Taylor
On this Remembrance Day, I would truly like to thank you for your selfless service on behalf of our beautiful country. I am grateful every day that I have the privilege of living in Canada. I know that my freedom has come at a tremendous cost. I honour those who serve in the Canadian Armed Forces, both and present. Your commitment and service bless my life directly. Canada is a peaceful country today because people like you who sacrifice so much to keep us safe and to prevent war. I teach English to students from all over the world. They are sometimes overwhelmed with the peace, freedom and privileges that we enjoy here. They do not take these blessings for granted, and neither do I. Thank you for doing so much to create a more stable world, with less bloodshed and crime. I especially appreciate the sacrifice you make by being away from your families for long periods of time. This would be very difficult for me, so I am grateful for your willingness to sacrifice. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hello,my name is Souraya I'm from Ivory coast. i came to Canada to improve my English and open the doors to different opportunities . i really like Canada for its diversity,inclusion and its welcoming. I'm infinitely grateful to you for preventing war and maintaining peace. i would like you to continue this momentum and improve further. Thank you for your service.
Dear Canadian Forces member, I want to thank you for your hard work. I come from a country where it's not always safe, and where sometimes women and children can not feel protected. I feel very happy and grateful to be here in Canada, a place where I feel safe and where people like you work to take care of everyone. Thank you for your efforts to make Canada a safe place, you make me feel that here. I can be calm and live in peace. Thank you for everything you do. With respect, Zaira
Hello my name is Fatima and I'm writing today to support Canadian forces members for their dedication and their benefits to the nation. Firstly I came to Canada because it's a safe country with a lot of advantages and a student it's the best place to prepare for my future . what I like about Canada is the natural beauty like stunning mountains (the ROCKY Mountains etc...) also, there are beautiful lakes , vast forests and unique wildlife. People are so welcoming , kind and helpful and open minded . I would like to thank you for protecting our country , you're a true Canadian hero .
Dear Canadian Soldiers, My class has been talking about Remembrance Day and we've decided to write letters to Canadian Soldiers stationed out of the country for the upcoming Holiday Season. My students want to show appreciation and gratitude and want to learn more about your job and your life. We are thinking about you and hope you are safe. Mrs. Bates H.B Beal Secondary School London, Ontario
Hi. My name is Ibrahim. I came to Canada for learn English. When I travel to some places in Canada, I think this country is Heaven. It makes me feel safe to know that such a heavenly country is protected by you. Thank you very much for making me and this beautiful country feel safe even though I came as a foreigner. May God help you. I know you are in a difficult position. But you will still do your best for your country. You think more about your country, your flag and your future than you think about yourself. Our prayers are always with you.
Être un soldat L’arme qu' on apporte est lourde comme les fardeaux de souvenirs. Sous le soleil sévère , les soldats s’avancent Chaque pas est une bataille, chaque pensée une épreuve, chaque souffle est une victoire. Un sentiment de tristesse qui se développe au coeur Un coeur qui endure, un esprit qui se bat, une âme qui persévère Et qu’on les voyait encore… Comme le soleil se couche, les soldats marchent, portant le poids du monde sur leurs épaules Un parcours assez dur qui demande beaucoup de courage. Le mystère de chaque jour qui passe Une persévérance assez admirable Entouré par une odeur impossible à oublier Être un soldat, c’est porter une armure de silence, où chaque pas pris est une épreuve de courage.
dear sololiers Hello, i am a student of highroad thank you for all you do for us and are country we are so grateful that you help the country and the people in it.ho and cunit imogire what it wand be like to be a sololier it sounds cool to do. ps:thanks for evey thing you do for us and the country.
Dear Canadian Armed Forces member, I wrote this message because I want to express my gratitude towards you. For all the sacrifices and hardships you had/have to go through. For example, leaving your homes, family, friends, and anything or anyone you care for. I hope you're always strong and able to complete your rough training. I also hope you are able to rest without any sleepless nights because of feeling sad, being depressed, being hungry or thirsty, etc. Lastly, I would like to thank you for all the sacrifices you've made to protect us and our beloved country; Canada. In conclusion, I hope you get to go to your homes and see everyone and everything that is important to you again.
dear soldiers thank you for your service. we hope and pray that you stay safe while serving our country. thank you for your sacrifice, not many are as brave as you. we want to thank you for your blood sweat and tears that you shed in the battles you fight. we are prying for you. sincerely Highroad Academy students
Dear, Solider I would like you to know that I am greatly encouraged by your bravery on the battlefield. And without you, I would not be sitting here telling you this. I would like to say that if you are a Reserve I highly appreciate that you are ready to leave your family behind and go fight for someone you have never met before! I would also like to say that your service to Canada has let me live a healthy, happy, and free life! may God bless you and your family
Dear beloved soldiers, We are two students of Highroad Academy, and we would like to thank you for your service and sacrifice so that we can live freely in Canada. Without your service, we wouldn't be able to go to a Christian school. And to be able to serve the God we love and trust. We thank you that you fight for our freedom so that we can wake up and not be in fear that our country is at war or being invaded. We will be praying for you and wish you the best. Thank you Sincerely, Students of Highrad Academy
Dear Soldiers we are weighing this letter to express our gratitude toward your sacrifice to fight for our freedom. Thank you for fighting to protect us and our Country. You have made such a positive impact on the way we live. you have taught us how to stand up for our rights and not be ashamed of who we have fought hard and endured things we can't imagine, yet you still persevered. we admire your bravery and courage so much. thank you for protecting our country, nothing can express how grateful we are. sincerely a Highroad Student
Dear Canadian soldiers, I would like to thank and honor your sacrifices to help make our country safe and free. Because of your sacrifices, you have made me able to be free in what I think, say, and do. You have let me do the things I do freely and worship the God I believe in. Your bravery does not go noticed and your courage will not be forgotten. I pray that God will keep you safe in your time of service. Sincerely, Highroad Student.
Thank you for fighting to protect Canada. Thanks to your fighting we have freedom. We can eat food, get good sleep, and have safety every day because of your service. Sincerely, Highroad Students
Salutations soldier, thank you for your service. Thank you for making the country safe. You are making are country a safe place and I am forever in debt to you. I'm so grateful for the freedom that you have given me and so many others. Best regards.
Dear soldiers, hello i am a Highroad student, i would like to send this note to thank and encourage all the people doing so much for our country. You are doing so much for us and for others. You are doing such amazing things for our country. I am so thankful for everything that you all do and sacrifice. You sacrifice so much for everyone's safety in canada. You are amazing people and I wish you all the best things. You have done so many hard things and I am personally so thankful. a thankful heart from, a Highroad student