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Aubrey - 2023-12-08

Hi, my name is Aubrey. I'm in grade 6 at Rockland Public school and I am 11 years old.At Chrismas time my family gets pjs the night on Chrismas eve and then we open the presents the next morning and have in big bunch all together then we go to my Nana's house with my cousin and have dinner there and we go home and play with and gifts and then we watch a Chrismas movie and go to bed. On boxing day i go to grandmas with my cousin and have a other bunch and thats my Chrismas. I hope you have a wonderful Chrismas and happy new year. Happy holidays!!

Natasha - 2023-12-08

Hello, My name is Natasha. I'm in grade 6 at Rockland Public School and i am 11 years old. At Christmas time my family and I open our Christmas eve box, the box often has new pj's for all of us and it always has candy in it, after we finish opening it we watch 2 or 3 Christmas movies. Thank you for your service. Even though you might not be able to make it home to your family this Christmas, i hope all of the fun memories from the past brings a smile to your face!

Mackenzie - 2023-12-08

Hi, My name is Mackenzie. I'm in grade 6 at Rockland Public school and i am 11 years old. On Christmas eve, My family puts on our matching pj's and watch Christmas movies and eat chocolate! Thank you for your service. Even though you might not be coming home for Christmas, I hope you have a nice holiday. I hope the memories of your Christmas at home in the past years, brings you smiles and happiness!

olivia - 2023-12-08

Hi my name is Olivia. i'm in grade 6 at Rockland public school and I am 11 years old. I am really excited for Christmas this year because my grandparents are going to come over and we are going to have a big feast. I hope you have a merry Christmas and Happy New Year even if you might not be coming home for the holidays. Merry Christmas.

Isla - 2023-12-08

Hi, my name is Isla. I'm in 6th grade at Rockland Pubic school and i'm 11 years old. At Christmas time i like to spend time with my friends and family watching Christmas movies and i like to bake Christmas cookies. Thank you for your service, I hope you have a great Christmas. -Isla

Hunter - 2023-12-08

Hi, My name is Hunter. I'm in 6 grade and go to Rockland public school. I am 11 years old. At Christmas time my mom buys me and my brother new pyjamas. On Christmas morning my mom makes a giant breakfast with Irish fries, bacon, eggs, sausages, and toast. After I eat we can open presents. I hope you have a merry Christmas. ~Hunter

Avery - 2023-12-08

Hello, my name is Avery and i'm 11 years old. I am currently in 6th grade and i go to Rockland public school, even tho you may not be seeing your family, i still hope you have an amazing Christmas. On my Christmas, i'm going to watch a Christmas movie with my Mom and my brother, then I'm going to my grandma and grandpa's house to have dinner. I hope you have a merry Christmas, and thank you for your service.

Alyssa - 2023-12-08

Hi, my name is Alyssa, I am 11 years old and in grade 6 at Rockland public school. At Christmas time I like to watch Christmas movies with my friends and family. Thank you so much for your service. Even though you might not be able to come home for Christmas, I hope you have a nice holiday. I hope that thinking of past Christmas brings you happiness, once again thank you for your service - Alyssa

William - 2023-12-08

Hi, my name is William and I am 11 years old. I'm in grade 6 and I go to Rockland Public School. I wish you a happy Christmas. Even though you might not be able to come home for Christmas with your family, I hope you have a great holiday.

Max - 2023-12-08

Hi my name is Max i'm in the 6th grade I go to Rockland Public School and i'm a 11 years old. At Christmas time me and my family we go see my Nana with my dad for Christmas. My dog Missy she love Christmas movies i hope you are having a nice Christmas where you are in the world!

Skylar - 2023-12-08

Hi, my name is Skylar, i'm in grade 6 at Rockland Public School and i am 11 years old, i am so excited for Christmas because my family and friends are coming over for secret Santa. I am so excited to watch Christmas movies with my family and have Christmas snack. Even though you might not be coming home for Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful holiday. I hope the memories of your Christmas' at home in past years,brings you smiles and happiness.Thank you for your service .- Sincerely Skylar

madison - 2023-12-08

Hi My name is Madison.I'm in grade 6 at Rockland Public school I am 11 year old.At Christmas time, my family and i put on our new Christmas pyjamas ,watch Christmas movies and eat take out. This year I hope we'er going to get pizza! Thank you for your service. Even though you might not be coming home for the Christmas I hope you have a nice holiday. I hope the memories of your Christmas' at home in past years brings you a smiles and happiness!

Evangeline - 2023-12-08

Dear friend, my name is Evangeline and i am in grade 6 at Rockland Public school, i am 11 years old. Even though you might not be coming home for the holidays, i hope you have a great Christmas and a happy new year! Thank you so much for your service! Merry Christmas! -Evangeline

Austin - 2023-12-08

Hi, my name is Austin. I'm in grade 6 at Rockland Public school and i'm 11 years old. at Christmas time, i always sleep in so my dog comes and wakes me up. Her name is Sophie and this year her gift is going to Petsmart for the first time ever! I hope she likes it and thank you for your service. even though you might not be coming home for Christmas,I hope you have good holidays and i thank you so much. Happy Holidays!

Shrey - 2023-12-08

Hello, my name is Shrey. I am in 6th grade and I am 11 years old. I live in Rockland and I go to a school called Rockland Public School. I have a lot of fun during Christmas time, especially baking cookies. I usually make Gingerbread Cookies because they taste delicious. Another part of Christmas time I like is putting up a Christmas tree. I love putting all the little ornaments on the tree. Lastly, the thing I absolutely adore about Christmas time is donating to those in need. I love donating toys such as Stuffed animals or old toys. Even though you can't come home for Christmas, I still wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Marie - 2023-12-07

Dear Service Member, Thank you so much for all that you do for our country. The sacrifices that you make for the greater good are not forgotten, and we’re deeply grateful for people like you who accepted the call to serve. I'm the Daughter, Grand Daughter, Sister and Aunt to present and former members of the Canadian Services. Thank you will never be enough for all that you do and sacrifice! I do not take my freedom for granted and am thankful everyday for the people like you who protect our freedoms and those of others. We believe in you and are cheering for you from back home. Thank you again so much.

Kim, Claude et Raphael - 2023-12-07

Un très joyeux temps des fêtes. Nous souhaitons vous remercier de nous protéger et de porter main-forte à nos alliés. Nous sommes reconnaissants du sacrifice que vous faites à chaque jour. Nous pensons à vous et nous vous souhaitons une bonne nouvelle année.

William McEvoy - 2023-12-07

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and Seasons Greetings! We the ones at home have not forgotten about you. We miss you terribly and love you so very much. I don't want to just "thank you for your service". I want you to know I mean it from the very depth of my soul. You have put your lives on the line for our country and the betterment of the world. I hope you can celebrate with your brothers and sisters and have some Christmas cheer. The good stuff too, top shelf. Merry Christmas my friends.

Kaavya - 2023-12-07

Hi, my name is Kaavya and i want to thank you for helping or country! i hope you will have a good holidays and are looking forward to something it is really nice how you did so much us happy holidays -Kaavya

Steph - 2023-12-07

Wishing you a Christmas that’s merrier than your sergeant’s smile on inspection day. Stay safe and keep your spirits as high as your bravery! Your sacrifice and dedication do not go unnoticed. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Je vous souhaite un Noël plus joyeux que le sourire de votre sergent le jour de l’inspection. Restez en sécurité et gardez le moral à la hauteur de votre courage ! Votre sacrifice et votre dévouement ne passent pas inaperçus. Joyeux Noël et bonne année!

Steph - 2023-12-07

Wishing you a Christmas that’s merrier than your sergeant’s smile on inspection day. Stay safe and keep your spirits as high as your bravery! Your sacrifice and dedication do not go unnoticed. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Judith - 2023-12-06

Dear Force members, Last week l went on line to review some history of my uncle who flew a Lancaster and died during world war 2. He was in his early 20’s and I never met him. I found a picture on line and was so thankful for that to see how he looked. For some of you it may be the same. You may not be able to see loved ones and relatives. You may never meet a niece or nephew. The good news is that this life is the valley of the shadow( Psalm 23) and those who have passed through the valley are on the other side of life with no shadows, They may be nieces and nephews we will possibly see for the first time forever then, Always remember, we are just passing through and be ready in your heart to move on. For some of you that awareness is very keen. Pray for your comrades whose sight is more limited, who cannot see the light to usher them home. Who knows if you are the one to open their eyes through your intersessions. Merry Christmas, happy ceasefire and Happy New Year to you all.

Susan - 2023-12-06

To all Canadian Service Men and Women. Thank you for all that you are doing to keeping the Peace. May you have a Merry Christmas and my hope is that you return to your familys safe and sound.

Frankie - 2023-12-06

Sending you Christmas Wishes and Blessings this Holiday Season. May you feel Peace and Fulfillment for all that you do for us. Here's to a Healthy and Happy New Year . . . Reflect on the Special Moments and know that you are always with us. ''MERRY CHRISTMAS''! Be Well & Stay Safe. Cheers ...

Abby, Jackie, Martin. S, Owen.S and MikeC - 2023-12-06

I wish you all a happy holiday, and get home safely. Have a merry Christmas, and a joyful holiday with those you are with. Go leafs go.

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