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Garrett - 2023-11-17

Dear Veteran, Your sacrifices have laid the foundation for my entire life, and everything I enjoy and take for granted. For this I thank you for you and I hope you feel rightfully recognized for what you have given.

Jasper Place High School Student - 2023-11-17

There are so many wonderful things I have in my life thanks to you. I am fortunate enough to get an education, have my family by my side, play sports and live with the security of knowing I have food and a warm bed tonight. Thank you. We as a society and a generation are forever in your debt. I get to live in peace, love, freely and dream of a bright future because of your service.

Jasper Place High School Student - 2023-11-17

Dear Veteran, Thank you for your service, thank you for the sacrifices and acts of bravery that allowed Canada its freedom and prosperity. Thank you for giving student the freedom of going to school and receiving education. Thank you for fighting for Canada and building its foundation of peace. thank you dear veteran!

Ivan - 2023-11-17

Dear veterans, Thank you so much for your work to allow Canada to be a safe country. I am so grateful to be able to live in a safe country. I am grateful for the fact that I am living safely. Thank you, Ivan.

Amelia - 2023-11-17

Dear Veteran, Thank you for the sacrifices you have made to allow me to live the life I do today.Your selflessness and bravery have given me the privilege of an education and a safe home.Thank you for your service.

Elinor A. - 2023-11-17

Dear Veterans, We take this day to step back recognize for all of the things you have done for us. Thank you for fighting for Canada and thank you for the freedom and rights we have today. Thank you for the land that we get to live in today. You have fought and sacrificed a lot for us and we would not be where we are today without you. We recognize your families, friends, and children that had to watch you leave. Our hearts are full with gratitude for all the things you have done. Lest we forget!

jasper place high school - 2023-11-17

The power one is given in today wanting world is all but forgotten a dead man's gift burned away to usbes for what we have gotten while the sorrow may have gone from all we have been set. Best we never forget.

Elinor A. - 2023-11-17

Dear Veterans, We take this day to step back recognize for all of the things you have done for us. Thank you for fighting for Canada and thank you for the freedom and rights we have today. Thank you for the land that we get to live in today. You have fought and sacrificed a lot for us and we would not be where we are today without you. We recognize your families, friends, and children that had to watch you leave. Our hearts are full with gratitude for all the things you have done. Lest we forget!

Jasper Place High School Student - 2023-11-17

Dear Veteran, Thank you for serving to give us the freedom we have today. The freedom of education, the safety within this country. Your efforts in the war helped bring peace, prosperity, and joy to the people in this country. Thank you for, your efforts and your dedication. Thank you for protecting the free life I have today.

Susan - 2023-11-17

Dear Veteran, Thank you for your service. I am so grateful for my freedoms, including my freedm to be educated. I get to live safely and freely every single day, because of you. I get to go home to my family get see my firends because of the freedom I have, thanks to you.

Jasper Place High School Student - 2023-11-17

Dear Veteran, I want to thank you for all the sacrifices you made so we would not have. Our everyday lives are so different to others because of you. Stories of what occurred still shake youth today while you lived through them. As a female in school pursuing a career, this could never have happened without you. I thank you for your services but I also thank you for an opportunity to pursue my dreams

Jasper Place High School Student - 2023-11-17

Dear Dear Veteran, Thank you for your service. I am thankful to be able to walk to school safely and receive an education. To not have to worry about food or money, or some place to live. Your work has made it so that I can live freely and safely, and for that, I am thankful.

jasper place hgh student - 2023-11-17

Dear veterans, i want to thank you all for your sevice and the opportunities you have given us as you fight four our right. I hope you all know that we are all very thankful for all that you do, words cannot describe the gratitude all of you deserve. Thank you

Mollie - 2023-11-17

Thank you for everything.The bravery that you showed and the fear you must have felt is unimaginable to me because of you.Every day I take for granted everything that you fought to protect my home,my family, my education and my way of life.I wish that I could have told you how grateful I am.

Jasper Place High School Student - 2023-11-17

Dear Veteran, I am grateful for the sacrifices you have made for me to be able to live in security and peace. I am able to go to school, not live in fear of my lively hood being taken away, and live knowing I am safe. My life and my future is possible because of you. Thank you.

Gaby - 2023-11-17

Chers soldats, je vous suis très reconnaissante pour tout ce que vous faites. Je suis si reconnaissante de pouvoir vivre heureuse sans avoir à me soucier de la guerre. Je suis si reconnaissant à mes parents d'avoir immigré au Canada grâce à la liberté et à la mobilité que vous nous avez offertes, et c'est grâce à vous que je vis ici, au Canada, en toute sérénité. Merci beaucoup!

Nidhi - 2023-11-17

Merci pour votre service. J'apprécie que vous ayez sacrifié votre vie juste pour que nous puissions vivre en liberté. Respecter ces soldats qui se sont battus pour garder notre drapeau haut.

Dua Rizvi - 2023-11-17

Chers hommes et femmes des Forces armées canadiennes, merci pour votre service et votre dévouement. Vous contribuez à maintenir la paix dans notre pays et vous vous battez pour notre liberté. Merci pour votre travail, vous nous aidez à nous sentir en sécurité dans nos maisons. Sincèrement, Dua.

Hannah - 2023-11-17

Cher brave hommes et femmes, je voudrais vous remercie beaucoup pour vortre service et pour vortre protection founir pour nous. Je suis reconnaissant ca j'habite dans une pays c'est-à-dire libre ou je peux obtenir une bonne éducation.

Eliah Michael - 2023-11-17

Mercia savoir été courageux pendant la guerre, merci d'être la raison pour laquelle nous avons une vie bonne et paisible. nous ne pouvons pas oublier les choses que vous avez faites pour nous. Merci

Faisal - 2023-11-17

Chers soldats, votre courage et vos sacrifices m'inspirent, moi et tout le monde, et merci pour tout ce que vous, soldats, avez fait pour nous et ce que vous avez vécu. J'espère que vous allez tous bien et que vous continuez ainsi.

Gabriel - 2023-11-17

"Salut les soldats, je voulais juste vous dire un énorme "merci" à chacun de vous pour protéger les autres, montrer votre courage, bravoure, travail acharné et être de vrais héros."

Malachi Milfort - 2023-11-17

Soldats, merci pour votre service, merci d'être déterminés, courageux et féroces. Merci d'avoir assuré la sécurité de notre pays et d'avoir sacrifié vos vies pour que nous ayons une vie paisible. Sans les hommes courageux qui se sont portés volontaires pour sacrifier leur vie pour nous, les choses seraient différentes. De peur d'oublier les soldats tombés au combat pendant cette journée. Merci pour tout!  

yousuf - 2023-11-17

merci pour tout merci d'être la raison pour laquelle nous avons une vie paisible merci pour toutes les choses que vous avez faites pour nous sans vous nous n'aurions pas une vie raisonnable de peur d'oublier les soldats tombés au combat pendant cette journée merci

Jaspreet - 2023-11-17

Je suis reconnaissant envers ceux qui ont sacrifié leur vie pour notre pays. En ce jour du Souvenir, je suis reconnaissant du courage de ceux qui ont servi ce pays. Merci!

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