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Kim & Paul Simmonds - 2023-12-01

We wish you the best possible Christmas and thank you for helping defend our way of life and for your sacrifice. Being away from family and friends at any time is difficult but even more difficult at this time of year. Our best wishes as well for the New Year. It is our sincere hope that peace and stability return to our world. Thanks again for your service.

Sharyn - 2023-11-30

To the many men and women keeping our Country safe I would love to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas you are in our hearts ?? and on our minds. Thank you for your service

Lily - 2023-11-29

Dear Canadian Armed Forces member, My name is Lily and I am 10 years old. In my free time, I like to read, bake and I also like to play outside. I can’t wait for winter to come so I can go play out in the snow! I hope you are doing well, wherever you are. I am sure that it is difficult to be away from your family and friends. Please know that everyone back in Canada is thinking of you and appreciating you for all that you are doing. You are a very brave and strong person! Thank you very much for keeping the peace and protecting people who need help. I wish you all the best and hope that you stay safe. Sincerely, Lily

Keaton I. - 2023-11-29

Dear troops, I would like to thank you for making me and many other people feel safe. One thing I'm really excited to do is spend time with my family. I'm really sorry that you may not get to spend as much time with your family. Happy Holidays! From, Keaton

Bentley j - 2023-11-29

Dear troops, Thank you for all you did for us and I am thankful for my pets and all the things you have done for us and for the world. And we all support you and we all love you :) Sincerely, Bentley

Melania M - 2023-11-29

Dear troops, Thank you for all your help. You have made our lives great .I hope you are staying safe.

Madison M. - 2023-11-29

Dear troops, I would like to thank you for all you do to help make our world safe. I appreciate the sacrifices you do for my country and happy holidays. Its inspiring that you are not spending your holidays without family. Sincerely, Madison

Kalen L. - 2023-11-29

Dear Troops, I would like to thank you for sacrificing your holiday season to help make the world a peaceful place to live in. I'm looking forward to winter break.

Noda - 2023-11-29

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Hello there! My name is Noda, and i’m sending this letter to a soldier, any soldier. In case you didn't already know (which you very much should know), I have the BIGGEST amount of respect for you and your fellow soldiers. I don‘t think you realize how much of an impact you’re making, but you’re making a huge one. In fact, Canada would not be as good as it is now without you, instead, it would be in COMPLETE shambles. I hope you wake up with a smile everyday knowing that millions care for you, and I hope you get back to friends and family since you are away. If I met you sir, I would give you the biggest hug, for protecting this land. I used to have military toy’s when I was younger, and I would have them fight against villains and bad guys and what, and guess what? The military would always win, even if the villains had powers. Today, I think of the same thing. You are very tough,brave and strong! Keep going, never give up. I'm gonna say a quote, which hopefully helps you and others. "Sometimes you must follow your heart even if others tell you not to." - Master Splinter. If you don't understand, i’m sure you will soon enough. Sincerely, Noda.

Amy - 2023-11-29

Dear Soldier, I am sorry that you don’t get to spend Christmas time with your family but we will keep sending you notes to cheer you up. When you do come up we hope there is a nice dinner waiting for you on the table. We are doing well how are you. I am 10 years old and I am in grade 6. I like to play around with my pets and family. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Thank you for your service. From Amy.

Brittany - 2023-11-28

Warmest wishes for a joyous holiday season and a happy New Year! Thank you for your service and all that you do for Canada. May peace, love, and prosperity follow you always. :)

Ariana - 2023-11-28

Dear Soldier, How’re you doing? My name is Ariana, I am 10 years old and I am in grade 5. I like to sing, dance, and make string, and thread art. I hope you and your family are doing well. I appreciate that you fight for our territories and help us keep our land, and Canada safe. Also, I know it’s almost Winter, so I was wondering, where do you keep shelter during the night and during Winter? Is it cold outside? Where I live it started to snow now and it’s pretty cold outside. Anyways, I am very thankful and grateful that you help keep our provinces and territories, and Canada safe. I also appreciate that some soldiers sacrifice their life for our freedom. Did you ever fight in a war before? If you did, I hope you were never injured. I’m glad that there's ‘Remembrance Day’ so we remember all the soldiers that helped keep Canada safe and have freedom in Canada. Thank you for deciding to be a soldier too help people have freedom, and help fight wars. Thank you again for all that you do for us. Sincerely, Ariana

Joshua - 2023-11-28

Dear soldier. My name is Josh, and my teacher is making us write letters to soldiers! So I thought I’d put as much effort as I could into this. Although we don’t know each other, I thought I’d introduce myself! I like video games, going on bike rides, and going and looking at the creek near where I live. But on a side note, I’d like to say that I really appreciate you for helping out with keeping canada safe. Everyone here at my school is very appreciative of you, and we are glad you’re helping protect this country. Thank you for everything you’ve done to keep this country safe. Although I would ask a question, I don’t quite know my address, so you cant respond sadly. But thank you for everything! - Joshua Hume

Emma - 2023-11-28

Dear Canadian soldier, My name is Emma I have a cat and I love to crochet and draw! Me and many others are very thankful for your service and I hope you are doing well! I appreciate you and many others fighting for our land and territory. Sincerely, Emma

Zayden - 2023-11-28

Dear Soldier, I hope this letter makes your day better wherever you may be. I know you might be cold or sad or something else but remember this is only temporary, Thank you for serving our country and maybe helping other countries as well.

Keyna - 2023-11-28

Dear Soldier, Thanks for protecting Canada and making sacrifices to keep every one’s loved ones safe and i know being away from home sucks but keep going cause your awesome! And it's snowing now! have a great holiday season and never give up. Sincerely, Keyna.

Jayden - 2023-11-28

Hello I am getting to know some of y’all by my teacher, and i want to say keep up the amazing work, Sacrifices may be sad, but we will remember them, if you're reading this, thanks, I also play games on roblox about war! it is fun, from Jayden

Madison - 2023-11-28

Dear Canadian Soldier Me, my friends, my family and many more people are very grateful that you are sacrificing for all of us and fighting for our land and territories! I hope your doing great and I know you fight hard! Thanks for everything you do for us and I give my thanks and appreciation to all of you. I love to do normal activities like swimming and I really admire all you do for this place and the sacrifices you make. Our homes are safe thanks to you and if it weren't for all of you this world would be a place without peace. Thank you again, for everything. Sincerely, Madison

James Birchall - 2023-11-28

Canadian Armed Forces, Have a gnarly day people! Take care, James B.

Bill Carroll - 2023-11-27

Thank you so much for your service in a time of global insecurity.May this coming season find you healthy and secure in the knowledge that the country truly appreciates your sacrifice at Christmas

Ells - 2023-11-27

Randy Armstrong once said; "Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles. It takes away today's peace." With that in mind I'm sending you wishes for a very Peaceful 2023 Christmas. Thank you for your place in the world that allows us to truly appreciate your service. Sending best wishes and blessings to you, a courageous soldier.

Michelle Dow - 2023-11-27

Dear Troops, I would like to thank you for everything you do to make me, and my family feel safe. I am looking forward to spending the holidays with family and friends. I am sorry that you may have to spend your holiday season without family. I appreciate all the sacrifices you make to help the world become a place of peace, love and happiness! Sincerely, Michelle

Ells - 2023-11-26

"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day!" was said by Andy Rooney. Even though you may not be able to experience that this year, please know that your service is greatly appreciated and I wish you many blessings on this Christmas Day for 2023 and a peace in your heart as you reflect on this very special day. We thank you for being our protection and our strength.

Denise Desrochers - 2023-11-26

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas to all our Canadian Forces wherever you may be. All the very best to you, your unit, and your families at home. Be safe out there.

Donna - 2023-11-26

Thank you for what you do so far from home and family, that allows me to be with mine. Wherever you are please know you are in our prayers and thoughts. May you have a Merry Christmas and be with your loved ones soon.

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