Post message

The Department of National Defence (DND) reserves the right to ensure messages are consistent with the goals of this message board service. Messages containing foul language, or racist, sexist, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate remarks will be deleted.
Show your appreciation by posting a personal message for our troops
To ensure that your message is posted, please read the following guidelines:
- We cannot post messages that are longer than 1500 characters, including spaces.
- You must enter your given name. If you are under 18, do not enter your family name.
- Please do not include any personal information. For legal reasons, we cannot post it and we will remove any personal information that you post for your own protection. See section 3 of the Privacy Act for a definition of personal information.
- Due to privacy and security considerations, we do not post personal messages or details about Canadian Forces members, Department of National Defence employees and current operations.
- Be patient if you do not see your message posted immediately after you submit it.
- If you wish to communicate with the Webmaster, please send an email to
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