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Chris - 2023-12-08

Thank you.

Karen Kerr - 2023-12-08

Merry Christmas to all our Canadian troops away from home. And wishing you a Happy and safe 2024. Ron and Karen Kerr.

Butt-Gabriel family - 2023-12-08

From my family to all of you brave, dedicated and wonderful souls, we would like to send you light, love, comfort and safety over the holiday season.Thank you for what you do so far from home and family, that allows me to be with mine. Wherever you are please know you are in our prayers and thoughts. May you have a Merry Christmas and be with your loved ones soon.

Lynne - 2023-12-08

Thank you from The Bowen Island Legion Branch 150. Your service to our country is so appreciated.

Paul - 2023-12-08

I wish you all merry Christmas so dearly. Get home safe and sound. Been there done that.its so hard what you go through but thankful. Those that know me. REX my best friend. Were active.duty get you home for xmas

Paul - 2023-12-08

Hope you all get back home safe and sound. If thinking of you all

Carolyn Orazietti - 2023-12-08

At this time of year, when you are so far away from home, know how much you mean to us folks back home. We are sleeping soundly in our beds, happy in our peaceful country, because of the sacrifices and the work that you do. Thank you for your service- you bring honour to the country. I pray for your safety and comfort, and hope you all get pancakes with maple syrup for Christmas breakfast!

Isabelle - 2023-12-08

To: Friend hi,my name is Izzy. I'm in grade 6 at Rockland Public School and I'm 11 years old i live in Canada.At Christmas time i put on PJs and watch Christmas movies, i bake cookies. This year I'm going to Cuba before Christmas.Even though you might not be able to get home for Christmas i hope you have a fun Christmas. think lots of your familly. i hope you have the best Christmas you can have . Thank you for your service. from:Izzy

Ben.C - 2023-12-08

Hi, My name is Ben. i'm in grade 6 at Rockland Public School and I am 11 years old . At Christmas time I put on movies sometimes but all the time we invite the family and have a dinner. and put pjs on and I hope that you make it home. to your family and make special cookies. with love and make special deserts.

jade - 2023-12-08

Hi my name is Jade I go to Rockland Public School and I am 11 years old. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year with all the cookies, hot chocolate and holiday cheer.I want to thank you for your service.I hope you get to see your family this Christmas you deserve it.And if you don't I hope the memories of your Christmas's at home in the past bring you some holiday cheer this year. We are all thinking of you. Happy holidays.

Riley - 2023-12-08

Hi, My name is Riley and I'm in grade 6 at Rockland Public School. I am 11 years old and I hope that you would have a good Christmas time. Also one of the things I do while Christmas is play in the snow with my dog and when you came home from work I hope that you can spend time with your family. I think that it wont take a lot more time until you go home and when you reach home there better have cookies waiting for you. Also those cookies should be fresh out of the oven.

Lilyanna - 2023-12-08

Hi, I'm from Canada maybe you're from some where else I have no idea but i wanted too send you a little something, I wanted too let you know that you not alone, I'm happy that you get too see this message with the little time you have I wanted too share what I do for Christmas, well I have 6 Christmas's and well we as in my sister and I spend the morning with my dad and then the rest is with my Mom with my dad we just open a lot of presents and eat and with my Mom we do the same pretty much anyways i really hope this helped just a little bit well with that being said have a good Christmas -lilyanna

Aya - 2023-12-08

Hello, My name is Aya. I am in grade six and I go to Rockland public school and I am 11 years old. At Christmas time me and my Mom go on fun trips like the Mall and we do some Christmas shopping. In the afternoon we start eating some food and then we play some games and then we open and hand out our gifts. In the evening me and my Mom wear matching pj's and watch Christmas movies, drink hot chocolate and eat fast food.Then when we are done watching our movie we relax and then late at night we go to sleep.

Alex - 2023-12-08

Hello, my name is Alex I am 11 years old, my Christmas is going to be the same Christmas as yours because it going to be the best Christmas. also I live in Rockland,Ontario in Canada. This Christmas is going to be the best Christmas because I know that you are doing well. I hope that you think of smiles and happiness while you re in the are going to have a wonderful and I just know it. And one last thing THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. -Alex

Aiden - 2023-12-08

Hi, My name is Aiden. I'm in grade 6 at a school in Rockland and I'm 11 years old. At Christmas time, I have most of my family members come up and celebrate we eat a special dinner and sometimes we go to our grandparents house to celebrate. We most of the time eat turkey for dinner. On Christmas day we wake up early and we open presents as fast as we can. Thank you for your time. Even though you might not be coming home for Christmas, I hope you have a nice holiday. I hope your memories of your Christmas' at home in past years,

Madison - 2023-12-08

Hi, My name is Madison. I'm in grade 6 at a school in Rockland and i am 11 years old. At Christmas time, my family and i wear our Christmas pyjamas, watch Christmas movies and bake Christmas cookies. This year I hope we make gingersnap cookies! Thank you for your service. Even though you might not be home for Christmas, i hope you have a wonderful holiday. I hope the memories of your Christmas' at home in the past years, brings you smiles and lots of happiness.

Gia - 2023-12-08

Hi, My name is Gia. I'm in grade 6 at Rockland Public School and i am 11 years old. At Christmas time, me and my family usually wear our pj's for a while in the morning, and start by saying "Merry Christmas" to each other. We open our presents after checking if Santa came by checking if the milk and cookies we gave were gone. We then open our presents and say "Thank you". This year, I hope we will be doing the exact same thing again! Thank you for your service. Even though you might not be coming home for Christmas, I hope you have a nice holiday. I hope the memories of your Christmas' at home in past years, brings you smiles and happiness - Gia

Edan - 2023-12-08

Hi, My name is Edan. I'm in grade 6 at Rockland Public school and I am 11 years old. At Christmas time, my family and I would wake up early in the morning like 6:00 am, usually my mom is always awake first so she gets everything prepared and the first thing we do in the morning is open our presents! After were done opening our presents we would clean up all the wrapping and stuff and then we start eating our breakfast. Thank you for your service. Even though you might not be coming home for Christmas, I hope you a nice holiday. I hope the memories of your Christmas' at home in past years, brings you smiles and happiness! -Edan

Jackson - 2023-12-08

Hi, My name is Jackson and in 6th grade at Rockland public school I am 11 years old. At Christmas me and my family play all sorts of games to celebrate the Christmas holiday. We also watch movies and of course open our presents I hope I get a Lego set. And thank you for all you've done to make Canada a better place for us to live in.

Lily - 2023-12-08

Hi, My name is Lily. I'm a grade 6 student at RKPS (Rockland Public School) and I am 11 years old. At Christmas time, my family and I put on our Christmas pyjamas, watch Christmas movies, and order some take-out food. This year I hope you can see your family, watch a movie and deliver take-out with them, and cuddle in your Christmas pyjamas. Thank you for your service, your such an amazing provider to this community. Even though you might not be going home, I hope you have a wonderful holiday. I hope this message can make you smile, have happy memories, and do what makes you happy. ~Lily Happy holidays!

Blake - 2023-12-08

Hi my name is Blake. I'm 11 years old and in 6 grade, I go to school in Rockland Ontario. At Christmas time my family and I play games watch Christmas movies and bake cookies, and go sledding, what do you do for Christmas? Thank you for your brave service to our country! Even though you might not be home for Christmas have a great holiday, wherever you are! Once again thank you for your service! Blake

Lily - 2023-12-08

Hi, My name is Lily. I'm a grade 6 student at RKPS (Rockland Public School) and I am 11 years old. At Christmas time, my family and I put on our Christmas pyjamas, watch Christmas movies, and order some take-out food. This year I hope you can see your family, watch a movie and deliver take-out with them, and cuddle in your Christmas pyjamas. Thank you for your service, your such an amazing provider to this community. Even though you might not be going home, I hope you have a wonderful holiday. I hope this message can make you smile, have happy memories, and do what makes you happy. ~Lily Happy holidays!

Dua - 2023-12-08

Hii, My name is Dua and I'm in grade 6 at Rockland Public School and I am 11 years old. At Christmas time, my family and I build Christmas gingerbread mans, watch Christmas movies and go out too! This year I hope we're going to go to a Korean BBQ or a buffet! thank you for your service! even though you might not come home for Christmas, I hope you have a nice holiday! I hope the memories of your Christmas at home in past years, brings you smiles and happiness! :)

James Birchall - 2023-12-08

Canadian Armed Forces, May I take this time to wish all members of the Canadian Armed Forces a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May 2024 bring happiness, good health and a prosperous New Year! Take care, James B.

Brandon - 2023-12-08

Hi, my name is Brandon. Although you may not be coming home in time, I still wish you and your family a merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for your service and everything you have done to keep our country safe.

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