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Girard Claude - 3/1/2024

Voici le texte que j'avais écrit à la suite du retour au pays des soldats canadiens en Afghanistan. Voir des soldats tomber Paroles : Claude Girard (août 2012) (Socan, Sartec – Œuvre protégée) Après des années de guerre Je suis revenu l’âme meurtrie Et dans chacune de mes artères Coulent les salves de l’ennemi De Kaboul à Kandahar Sur des terrains minés Chaque pas frôlant la mort Comme si c’était le dernier Et puis un jour On est rentrés chez nous Le cœur encore lourd D’éclats d’obus, d’arrière-goût Et puis un jour Au lever du soleil Dans le visage de mon amour Plus rien n’est pareil C’est fini pour moi Je ne veux plus jamais entendre Des bombes exploser C’est fini pour moi Je ne veux plus jamais voir Des soldats tomber Et lorsque je pense À tous ces civils et ces enfants Qui servent de boucliers Je pleure en silence J’y pense souvent Ça fait bien trop de vies brisées Pénible retour à la réalité Après toutes ces années Le monde a bien changé Pas facile de s’y retrouver Tant d’images dans ma tête Que je ne peux chasser Tous ces mauvais rêves Trop de souvenirs hantés Et puis un jour On est rentrés chez nous Le cœur encore lourd D’éclats d’obus, d’arrière-goût Et puis un jour Au lever du soleil Dans le visage de mon amour Plus rien n’est pareil Et puis un jour On est rentrés chez nous Le cœur encore lourd D’éclats d’obus, d’arrière-goût Et puis un jour Au lever du soleil Dans le visage de mon amour Plus rien n’est pareil… Plus rien ne sera jamais pareil.

Caitlyn - 2/28/2024

Dear Soldier, Thank you for all that you do to support our country and allow us to enjoy the freedom we have. It is crazy to think that you could be anywhere in the world right now, and you are protecting us. Without you, I might not be able to write this letter. Thank you will never be enough to show my gratitude, but it doesn't hurt to say it anyway. Your work and sacrifice will forever be appreciated by my family and me. Thank you so much, Caitlyn

Lindsay - 2/28/2024

Thank you for all you do for the country! it is greatly appreciated!

cayla hrycyschyn - 2/28/2024

canadian armed forces: i want to express my gratitude for fighting for our countries freedom and sacrificing so much in order to do so. it is not taken lightly how much resilience and strength it takes to do so. anytime I'm able to let our Canadian armed forces know how much they're appreciated is an honor.

Daniel Allan - 2/27/2024

Thank you for the troops and their peace keeping efforts. I hope someday soon all conflicts, occupations and genocides will end soon so everyone can be home and safe. Thank you for your service

Tyler Mattson - 2/27/2024

Good morning/afternoon, i just wanted to say thank you for eerything you do during this tough time, i cant imagine the struggles you all go through everyday that not only me but everyone else take for granted, things like going to the store for groceries, going to hang out with friends, or simply sitting at home relaxing. i cant begin to describe the amount of courage and strength it must take to go through everyday with the amount of stress and anxiety not knowing if you will ever see your friends and family again and knowing that once this is all finally over the war inside your heads will have only just begun. long story short, i want you all to know that everything you guys are doing is greatly appreciated and it will never be forgotten. Stay Strong!!!

Tam - 2/26/2024

Thanks for putting your lives on the line to protect Canadians and for protecting our country. I am very thankful for what you do everyday and hope you make it home safely to your love ones. Thank you.

Kylie Kallenberger - 2/26/2024

Thank you for your dedication to our nation and keeping us safe. I acknowledge you are sacrificing your life to keep our amazing country a safe place to get educated, work and have freedom for several activities. I'm proud to be a part of this amazing country you keep safe for me to live in. Thank you for all your hard work and wearing our flag with pride.

Megan Mountain - 2/26/2024

Thank you for all of you hard work & everything you do out there. Please come home safe.

Charli Long - 2/26/2024

Thank you for all that you do to protect and serve our country. We are extremely grateful to have your service.

mirsi - 2/26/2024

Thank you for your service and sacrifices.

kady - 2/26/2024

Just wanted to say thank you to all you brave men and women out there for serving our country and keeping it safe each and everyone of you are all heroes.

Breanne - 2/26/2024

Thank you for everything you are doing. You make such a huge difference and your bravery and sacrifices are something to admire.

Ysabel Peralta - 2/26/2024

Thank you so much for what you all are doing! From our hearts thank you so much! Please take a good care!

Emilie - 2/26/2024

Dear troops, I express my heartfelt gratitude to the Canadian Armed Forces for their unwavering dedication and sacrifice in ensuring the safety and security of our nation. Thank you to the women and men of the Canadian Armed Forces for their courage, resilience, and selflessness in protecting our freedoms and values. We truly appreciate everything you do! Sincerely, Emilie

Terri-Jo Martin - 2/26/2024

I Thank you for all you do each and every day to keep this world a safer place. Please know you are thought of and appreciated more than you know. Be safe and god Bless.

jabez - 2/25/2024

thank you so much for all the sacrifice you have done for this country! it really means a lot to me that there are people out there that truly care and want to protect what is precious to us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart

Noor - 2/25/2024

Thank you for your service and keeping us safe.

Walker Entz - 2/25/2024

Dear troops, thank you for getting up every day and putting yourself on the line to protect me and every single Canadian. I'm thankful for every single one of you for what you do for our country. you guys are heroes and always will be. My prayers go out to all of you to be safe and make it home safely to your families and loved ones. just know your making this country proud and safer to live in every day.

Hannah Trail - 2/25/2024

Thank you, to every member of the Canadian armed forces, for your selfless sacrifice and honorable role within protecting our country. Seeing as you all play such an important role in protecting Canadas peace and stability, it is the least us Canadian citizens can do to express our immense gratitude. I can only imagine the struggle and low moments felt in having such a high-ranking job. It is always important to remember that you are loved, appreciated, and valued by those around you and your efforts will not go unnoticed. I am extremely honored to have had the opportunity to express a few words of appreciation towards all of the forces. What you are doing is amazing, and I cannot thank you enough for risking your own personal safety in order to keep us as a civilization, happy, safe, healthy and thriving. You are all amazing people with outstanding courage. I send my best of wishes. Thank you!

onkar - 2/25/2024

Thanks for all your service. I really appreciate all your service and help.

Dillion Noble - 2/25/2024

No one could give enough thank you's for the work all the men and women of the Canadian Army do. The members of the Canadian Army give up so much that many Canadians may take for granted. You put your lives on the line every day. You are away from family and friends for long periods of time. You give so much to the Country to let the rest of us have the safe lives we live. Once again not enough thanks can be given but THANK YOU!

Amen - 2/24/2024

Thank you for your support. We really appreciate the support you give us.

Tyler - 2/24/2024

Thank you for your service. We wouldn't be here without you guys

Grace Allen - 2/24/2024

We are taught from when we are young that those who serve in the military are strong and brave but, we do not fully understand the gravity to which their work is held until we grow up. Knowing now what I know it is proven that the efforts and bravery shown consistently by members of the Canadian Armed Military is nothing short of heroic. Thank you for all that you do. Although it may not always be recognized, we are beyond grateful for what you do for us.

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