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Alex - 2024-06-13

Dear Veteran, I'm writing to you today because I'm very thankful for all you're hard work you've served for Canada! One day I want to join the Army and fight for our country as a combat medic, I used to be in Army Cadets and always looked up to people like you. Again, thank you for your service. Sincerely, Alex.

Aurora - 2024-06-13

Dear Soldier, I would just like to begin by thanking you for your service to Canada. Most people get up each day and go to work knowing that they are safe, but you gave up that safety in hopes that others could have it. I know that some days it must have been hard to get up knowing the dangers that were waiting for you, and your friends. I can't imagine how it must have felt to start each day with friends but come back without them. My class recently read a book called Allies which is all about war, and when I was little my family went to Normandy. I think these two things together made me realize how horrible war can be, and I don't think I could ever put myself through that. I do not know what position you serve in or where you are deployed, but I know that each day must have been a struggle for you. So again, I would like to thank you for your service and say how much I appreciate your service to Canada. Sincerely, Aurora

Liam - 2024-06-13

Dear Soldier, I am writing to thank you for your service because of you, I have freedom today. I appreciate that you went through hard things. There must have been very difficult and frightening days. How did you handle doing as many hard things? Did you write letters to your loved ones? Oh could you talk on a telephone? Thank you again for your bravery. From Liam

Connor - 2024-06-13

Dear Veteran, My name is Connor, and I am 14 years old. In class, we read a book about D-Day. I have always dreamed about one day joining Canada’s military. I want to help fight for freedoms and rights of others and take the evil out of the world. Thank you for your service to Canada and to the people you helped. Sincerely, Connor

henry - 2024-06-13

Thank you for all your services to our country and thank you for protecting us

Melek - 2024-06-13

May 8th, 2024 Dear Veteran, I am writing to you today because to share with you how thankful I am for everything you’ve done for our Country. I am grateful for all you’ve done to ensure our freedom. I’ve been thinking about Canadian Veterans a lot because we read a book in class called “Allies.” It was about D-Day on Omaha Beach, France. I hope you are safe and doing well. I know you have been through a lot. That’s okay, I've been through a lot of hard things too. I came to Canada because it is so safe and a great place to live. Your sacrifices are appreciated. Sincerely, Melek A.

Cindy - 2024-06-12

Hi , just want to say hello , new to this ??

Tyson - 2024-06-12

dear soldier, I am writing you this letter to tell you that there are many people that are thinking about you.

Kayla Weinkauf - 2024-06-04

Hello, Its 5am right now and i am reflecting. My bf wishes to join the troops and i am processing this information because i know it will be hard on both of us. I guess im just thinking about everybody now. and i wished to say that i hope you're all ok, the same has i wish he will be too. With love, K

Laura - 2024-05-27

Hello, This note is to Wish you All A Happy, Healthy and Safe Memorial Day! Thank You for your bravery and strength. It means a lot to me. Please be safe Always, Laura

Janet - 2024-05-27

Hello, hope all is well with you, my name is Janet and I am glad to write this message to you. On this day 27th of May we remember all who served and are serving our Countries. May you be well and strong and keep safe. Take care, Janet

Lola Simmons - 2024-05-25

Hi there! I just wanted to say thank you for everything that you do. I really appreciate your dedication and service for our country. I will be praying for you and your families. I am very proud of all of you! I can never say enough thanks and grateful for each and every one of you. Your lives are precious and you all have purpose and meaning. I will always support the armed forces of Canada. God bless each one of you.

Furney - 2024-05-21

Ty for all you do! God bless each and everyone who has served :D

Maria Thérèsa - 2024-05-20

Bonjour je voulais juste écrire pour vous apportez mon soutiens j admire tellement votre travail et dévouement à l endroit de la sécurité du pays vraiment très beau travail et soutient à vous

Jamie Phillip Langlois - 2024-05-14

Just a reminder...........it is the struggle that keeps us going. Scientists took a chick in an egg and helped it out of the shell and it died because it didnt build the strength from the fight through the shell. Scientists also took bees to space and they died in two days because they did not have to flap their wings. Its also how old people die within six months of retirement because they give up. When you give up you go up but it is the struggle that keeps us here and keeps us going so keep fighting and make it look good. Keep looking up and your eyes on God and Heaven. Blessings.

ayden - 2024-05-14

thank you so much for your service and giving us the freedom we have today.

Christina - 2024-05-14

thank you so much for your service and for giving us freedom.

Fangming - 2024-05-14

Hi Canada Defence Forces, We are so grateful for your every endeavour to defend our lives and properties. Right now the biggest threat to Canadians may be the wildfires that are getting worse year by year. One of the fighting against them, probably the most effective way, is using water bombing. I was wondering if our Air Force can help with it by flying more water bombers over the fires? I guess the forestry ministry may not have sufficient bombers and crews. I know that necessary training is still required for Air Force pilots, so are more water bombers. But what if the water bombing be integrated into Air Force’s routine training programs? That should be quite similar to flying military missions in terms of planning paths, finding targets, and dropping bombs(water). If our Air Force men are getting able to flying water bombers, their training money and time are resulting in extra contribution to our national defence against the natural disasters. Wouldn’t that be a one stone two birds approach? Of course this requires federal coordination and intergovernmental cooperation, but isn’t it worth trying? It would probably put governing and protecting Canada in a broader perspective and use our national resources more effectively. These are merely my random thoughts on making Canada better.

Austin F - 2024-05-13

Thanks for fighting for Canada and keeping us safe.

Brittany Ovens - 2024-05-12

Your unwavering dedication and sacrifice safeguard our nation's freedom and security. Your bravery in the face of adversity inspires us all. Thank you for your service, your sacrifice, and your commitment to protecting our country. You are true heroes. I lost my mother in 2018, so I’d like to take some time today to wish any mothers that are serving a very special Mother’s Day. I recognize the challenges you face, balancing the demands of military service with the joys and responsibilities of motherhood. No matter the distance, or time between a mother and their child, the love will never diminish. Thank you again for all you do.

Nav - 2024-05-11

Hi Army People, I read a book called Shatter Me recently and there are cool army people in there. Army recruiters came to our school for an information session and they looked quite strong. How do you guys do all those push ups. I could never. At some point in my teen years I thought about maybe I should join the CAF myself but my health would make it impossible. I have watched tik tok edits of you people doing like pushups and all that. It's so cool. I think you guys are cool. Thank you, Nav

Chris - 2024-05-04

I just wanted to say how proud I am of all of you......my great grandfather fought in WW1, my grandfather in WW2. I was not so lucky with medical problems, but to all the men and women that have fought, continue to fight...and those that will fight for Canada, people like me...all I can say is thank you...thank you.

James William Birchall - 2024-04-30

Canadian Armed Forces, keep up the good work! James B.

Melvina - 2024-04-25

HELLO SOLDIER PERSON!! i want to thank you for all your hard work on defending our country Canada! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

An - 2024-04-22

Merci aux soldats pour votre service et votre sacrifice courageux pour le pays. Je vous salue et j'espère que vous rentrerez chez vous sain et sauf.

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