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NL - 3/21/2024


BC - 3/21/2024


Joy Ugo - 3/21/2024

Hello, I want to say there is hope. There is a reason you have this responsibility to your nation Canada. Your family will see you again by the grace of God. In the days and nights that you despair. Remember that there are people who salute you, applaud you and pray for your safety. Your labor will not be in vain. Be encouraged everyday that you are indeed a hero. A living hero. Stand strong and think of something or someplace that has made you smile and will make you smile in the future.. thank you from my family and my community.

Elena - 3/20/2024

Thank you so much for your service! I appreciate everything you do for our country! Be safe.

Jeannine VanderBeek - 3/19/2024

Hello Canadian Forces Members! Did you eat well today? Exercise? Did you take deep breaths at some point? Good. Off to a great start. I'm just checking in and also wasting a bit of time before I make laps around the house and hit 10k steps on my smart watch. I have a love/hate relationship with this thing. I once attached it to the dog to see what his daily step count would be, but it turns out he's lazier than me and it kept buzzing to remind him to move. I got that buzz three times this afternoon, but to be fair, 100% of my work is in front of a computer screen. It got cold again here. And then it snowed. Apparently spring arrived today, but that's a complete crock. The squirrels are so confused right now; just as I am picking out a coat before I head out the door...light jacket or fur-line parka? Every day is a different offering from Mother Nature. I'm off to trapse around the kitchen for my stupid health, so I'll leave you with both a hope and a prayer. My hope is that you feel safe wherever you are tonight, and my prayer is that your work is meaningful to you. All of Canada already knows it is, but we need you to believe in you like the rest of us do. Thank you for all you do. Now make sure you have clean socks on. Jeannine xx

Brandon Clark - 3/19/2024

Hello to our Canadian Special Forces, I believe mastering LOVE in our Hearts we will be able to use the True abilities of our minds and Freedom will be ours, forever. I believe the reason for searching for something forever out of reach will always be for our journey, black or white, in the sands or in the stars. Sometimes we fall to places where we do not wish to be, but with a soldier to lean on the Hope of Greatness over deception will always be ours. We are looking up to you all. Take care and be Safe always.

Jason Vietri - 3/17/2024

I would like to thank all of you for all you do for Canada and for all your services!

Dawn Parker - 3/8/2024

Dear Soldier, Our class in junior high would like to tell you thank you for your service. It must be hard to be away from your family when you are deployed. We appreciate that you risk your life to help keep us safe. We are proud of you. Many thanks, From the LINKS class at Rudolph Hennig Junior High in Ft. Saskatchewan, AB.

Amy S - 3/7/2024

Dear Canadian Troops: Thank you for your service, protection and dedication. Those of us who will never know the pain of being separated from our families are grateful for you. Be strong and get home safely!

Cassi - 3/6/2024

Thank you for your efforts, hard work and sacrifices!

Mehak - 3/6/2024

Thank you for your service! You’re greatly appreciated.

Randi Arden - 3/6/2024

Thank you for all your services.

A.F - 3/6/2024

Thank you so much for your services and please stay safe, positive and keep on smiling!

Cindy - 3/6/2024

Thank you so much for your service and for all of your sacrifices to keep our country safe.

LV - 3/6/2024

Thank you for your service, it is greatly appreciated! Please look after yourselves. Your family is thinking of you and are waiting for you to come home! Keep your head up!!

Jessica - 3/6/2024

Thank you for all the service that you do for our country. Thank you for doing an excellent job protecting our community, and we are grateful for you. I hope that you as well as your family remain safe and in good health.

TA - 3/6/2024

Thank you for your contribution to our country!

Eric - 3/6/2024

Dear Soldier, I hope this message finds you well and safe. Your bravery and sacrifice are deeply appreciated, and I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your service to our country. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers every day. Stay strong, stay safe, and know that your courage inspires us all. Thank you for everything you do. Sincerely, Eric

Jonathan - 3/6/2024

Thank you for your incredible service to our country, you help make our country a more free and stable place for the ordinary citizen to live in.

James Birchall - 3/6/2024

Canadian Armed Forces, Good morning. Have a splendid day today! James B.

JM - 3/5/2024

Thank you for your sacrifice and service to our country!

Natasha - 3/5/2024

Thank you everyone for your service and hope your year only get better and better.

Dominik Boccinfuso - 3/5/2024

Thank you for risking your life’s to make others and us more safe

Nav - 3/5/2024

Thank you for your service

Jeannine VanderBeek - 3/4/2024

Hola Canadian Forces member! We just landed back in Canada from a week's vacation in the Dominican. We celebrated their Independence Day with them and learned a couple things in the process. Apparently they've had to fight for their Independence four times: Twice from the Spanish, once from the French, and once from Haiti; which is the one they celebrate on February 27. (I thought you'd might like to know this if it ever comes up in a base Trivia Night.) It was nice to swim and get some sunshine, but also nice to be home. But isn't it always great to come home? Anyway, nobody poured me coffee or made be breakfast this morning, so it's back to being a big girl. I'm going to continue not making my bed in protest today though. Wherever you are, and whomever you're with on this day, I wish you safety and comfort. Now go take your vitamins and drink lots of water. We need you strong and healthy. You are loved. Jeannine xx

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