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Brandon Clark - 2024-04-15

Hello Canadian Special Forces, I believe Peace, Love, Truth, Freedom and Honor are some of the best aspects we have and is the backbone of the Greatest life forms to ever exist. I believe that we all need to have educated minds to be able to entertain thoughts like these without accepting them blindly or we may always be brainwashed by fear, hate & greed tactics spread by the selfish insanity of our leaders that lead instead of representing the Greatness that we are truely capable of. Sometimes when we lose hope we fall to places we do not wish to be, but with a soldier to lean on and a helping hand from Greatness Over Deception we will carry on, even after this life because if life forms do not believe in life after death, then what were we before the sperm and egg? Faith will always be a prerequisite of any undertaking and with the strenght of you all of you in the Canadian Special Forces we will overcome anything, it may take patience, hard work, a real struggle and a very long time but it will be done with love in our hearts to use true abilities of our minds. Please do not lose Hope, its the greatest gift we share. All Great Wemon & Men All Great Life Regards, jEdI_mOrPh

Cheryl - 2024-04-13

I never knew you could do this or I would have done this so long ago. Where do I begin? Thank you for your service! it isn't enough. I sent an email in today to find out what we can do to support you all, I'm not sure what you all need. As tensions rise in the middle east, I think were all feeling vulnerable. We're all in this together though.

Tiffany - 2024-04-12

Hi, how are you today? Whoever is reading this, do know that I truly admire anyone who is so selfless to fight for the country their loved ones are in, and allow us fellow citizens to be safe. I might not know how tough it must be but I want you to know that your people are proud of you. I am proud of you. Not just for your role in protecting the country but I'm proud of you for hanging on, for your perseverance to see through the tough times cuz every night must make way for the morning. You will get through this. Even if it might hard for you to believe that, it's ok, I'll believe it for you. I just want you to know you are loved, no matter who you are or what you've done. Not just by your loved ones but me too, as your sister in Christ:) And, though people may come and go, there is a person who will love you no matter what. He already knows the worst parts of you and He will stay by your side. His name is Jesus and He loves you:) All you have to do is accept Christ as your saviour and nothing will ever separate you from that love. Trust me, I wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for Him and it might help to know that you got the creator of the universe watching your back:) I also want to share with you a verse that helped me through some tough times. Hopefully it might help you too:) Joshua 1:9 'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Love from Singapore!

Bob McArthur - 2024-04-12

To the Canadian Forces team in Latvia Politicians love to talk but often while they talk the talk their actions fall short. You, on the other hand, walk the talk. On our behalf, you put yourselves on the line. Your actions make me proud of being a Canadian. You represent the best of us- our commitment to our NATO partners and to defending our democratic way of life. Many of us, who do not serve like you, often take those principles - fair and open elections, independent courts and a free press- for granted. Because we haven’t had to think about the forces that threatens them. I want to express my appreciation to all of you for representing Canada to the global community. While I am only one Canadian, I am sure there are many more who share my sense of gratitude. Thank you!

Jimmy Badbones - 2024-04-12

Canadian Armed Forces, Happy TGIF! Have a splendid weekend. Take care, James B.

Jeannine VanderBeek - 2024-04-11

Good evening Canadian Forces Member! How are you feeling today? Did you sleep well last night? Did you eat good food, take a vitamin of something with a letter on it and read a chapter in your book? I'll admit I was indifferent about Monday's solar eclipse until our friends invited us to watch at their farm. When we arrived, the frogs in their pond were so loud they were deafening. About 2 minutes before totality, they all just shut up and then the crickets took over. The air got wicked cold and I could see Venus in the dark sky not far from the blending of the sun and moon. It was just magical and I'm so happy I didn't dismiss the spectacle by staying home. Hubby's watching the Leafs play as I write this. He said something about Matthews needing some goals to make 70 for the season, but the NHL isn't really my thing, so if I screwed that up it was because I stopped listening. If you're a Leafs fan, I hope this kid from the desert gives you your wish tonight. That's the update for now. Know that our little corner of the world is grateful that you decided on a military career. Stay safe, and know that you are all kinds of loved; wherever you are. Jeannine xx

Pierre - 2024-04-10

Je sais que vous êtes très fort et courageux, ne lâchez pas, soyez fier de vous, car moi, je suis fiere de tous nos valeureux soldats de nos forces. Je serai fier à cause d'une sourdité : je n'ai pas pu être accepté dans l'armée canadienne à l'âge de 42 ans, je suis à 59 ans et j'aimerais tellement être soldat, même si je suis en bonne forme physique. Mon âge est trop élevé, mais pourtant, je voudrais bien faire partie d'un programme spécial pour les personnes qui pourraient se qualifier pour la réserve, car leur forme physique est bonne. Je pourrais tellement aller vous aider. Lacher pas, je sais, vous êtes les meilleurs.

Candi-lynn - 2024-04-08

I have absolutely nothing of interest to contribute. I mean, if I'm being honest, I stumbled upon the board quite by accident but it didn't feel right to just sneak away without a word. I mean, I could say thanks, and I'm appreciative and all that chit, but everyone else already has, and I never do what everyone else does - thats boring. Instead I'll share with you what you missed this week: my mother lecturing me (side note Im a 39yr old single parent myself) about being out for a drive 4hrs before an eclipse like it was going to start shooting balls at us. Admit it, you can already hear THAT in your head! Anyways, heres to a new wk and everyone having a quiet one!

M. Davis - 2024-04-04

My Grade 7/8 class from St. Edward in Westport, Ontario would like to say hello. We have been studying so many things that you have done to keep us safe! Thank you for all you do, and remember, we are behind you, and praying for your safety everyday. Keep up the good work! Best, Mrs. Davis and the class :)

Kokou - 2024-04-02

Bonjour chers piliers de la nation. Seul vos efforts et sacrifices vous mettent debout. Accrochez vous à ces deux éléments et votre joie serait parfaite et jaillira sur toute la Nation Canadienne. Je vous reviens (Kokou depuis le TOGO)

Sukhdeep kaur - 2024-04-01

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Members: On behalf of all Canadians, I'd want to convey my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for your enduring devotion and commitment to our great country. You have continually displayed the courage, resilience, and professionalism that define the spirit of the Canadian Armed Forces. Your Commitment and Sacrifice You have repeatedly risen to meet the challenges that have confronted you, whether on the battlefield, in peacekeeping missions, or during domestic crises. Your dedication to upholding our ideals, defending our liberties, and serving the greater good is incredibly inspiring. Serving With Distinction Your selflessness and daily sacrifices are not overlooked. You have served with distinction, maintaining the highest standards of the Canadian Armed Forces and bringing glory to your country. Your bravery, skill, and unrelenting drive are a source of great pride for every Canadian. Thankfulness and appreciation I convey my heartfelt gratitude and admiration to all members of the Canadian Armed Forces. Your service demonstrates our nation's strength and resilience, and we will be eternally grateful to you for your steadfast dedication to safeguarding our way of life. Thank you for your service, and may you continue to serve with the devotion and courage that have marked the Canadian Armed Forces throughout history. sincerly Sukhdeep kaur

James William Birchall - 2024-03-30

Canadian Armed Forces Good afternoon. I just wanted to say you have my respect and admiration. Please continue to work hard protecting Canada and fulfilling our NATO obligations. Take care, James B.

Amanda - 2024-03-25

Dear Ernest Smith, Thank you so much for your service to our country. I really admire your zeal and bravery. You have taught me not to fear the challenges of life. When I'm challenged to do something difficult, I hope that I have the same zeal that you did! Thank you, Josie Brunette

Kelly N - 2024-03-23

Canadian Soldiers, Sometimes it just needs to be said, Thank-You. Thank you for your dedication and service to our country. I appreciate the freedoms I enjoy because you are working every day to protect our country. Wishing each and everyone of you a safe return home to your families.

Jamie Phillip Langlois - 2024-03-23

I love you guys...........stay strong and keep moving forward and remember one foot in front of the other. Im praying for you all. I wore the uniform also so i know the sacrifice and duty watch on christmas without family. Call your mom or sister or girlfriend...........love is the answer and think with your heart and remember to grow and feed the children. Love you guys and remember head and eyes forward... .

John-Glen Sarchfield - 2024-03-22

I am thankful for the Canadian Armed Forces whom have the bravery to defend our country of Canada.

Jimmy Badbones - 2024-03-22

Canadian Armed Forces, Happy TGIF! Sending hugs and kisses your way! LOL Take care, James B.

Jimmy Badbones - 2024-03-22

Canadian Armed Forces, Good morning. I want to thank all of you for the blanket of freedom you provide for all Canadians! It is so great to live in a peaceful country! I love all the freedoms we have...I can go fishing and camping when and where I want. I can decided to travel to Niagara Falls anytime I want (around my work schedule). While obeying simple rules and laws in Canada, I am free to protest, vote and do pretty much anything I want! Take care, James B.

Helping Hands - 2024-03-21

Dear Veterans, on behalf of our helping hands group we would like to send our heart-felt wishes. We as a group acknowledge your hard work, fight, and dedication to help keep our great nation safe. Hope you are all doing well, keep safe. You are loved by all, good job.

RA - 2024-03-21


KM - 2024-03-21

Thank you for your wonderful service and your sacrifice

SH - 2024-03-21


DM - 2024-03-21


NL - 2024-03-21


BC - 2024-03-21


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