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Cassidy - 2024-02-20

You do so much for our country, thank you so much. You keep our country safe and guarded, and for this we are all so thankful. Thank you so much.

John-Glen Edward Sarchfield - 2024-02-19

I would like to send support to the Canadian Armed Forces for protecting the country that I love to call home.

Alexandre simard - 2024-02-18

Wear that flag proudly Remember what we stand for How proud your parents must be when speaking of you. God keep our land glorious and free. Oh Canada we stand on guard for thy Isaiah 54:17


Bonjour chère collègue,je vous octroie cette correspondance afin de vous ayez le Moral haut et fort meme loin des yeux mains près du cœur . Nouvel recru

Pat R. - 2024-02-12

To all DND/CAF family members deployed, With the Super Bowl on 11 Feb 24, and Valentines Day around the corner, there are only three important days to remember. First is 15 Feb Flag Day. You wear our international icon so proudly as you leave your footprints all over the world. Second is 19 Feb Family Day. You are family, and we have your family at home safe. Third most important day on the calendar, is the day you come home safe and sound. The Super Bowl party will leave nothing more than a bad half time show and confetti in the streets. Flag & Family is our core pride and what we hold to keep safe and makes us feel safe. So, as for the day you return safely to Canadian soil, it is a very important day to us all. Stay focused, watch each other’s six. Family in Arms!

Alex L. - 2024-02-09

Bonjour, Hello, Canada Army !!! J’ai vraiment hâte d’aller rencontrer le 6e régiment d’artillerie de campagne le 14 février 2024 ?????? Partout, là où mènent le Devoir et la gloire Merci de me rencontrer; vous me rendez heureux et souriant plus que jamais !!! À bientôt !!! Hello, Canada Army!!! I'm really looking forward to meeting the 6th Field Artillery Regiment on February 14, 2024 ?????? Everywhere, whither right and glory lead Thanks for meeting me; you make me happy and smiling more than ever!!! See you soon !!! Alex L.

Amanda Black - 2024-02-07

The Royal Canadian Legion invites CAF and RCMP members and their families to join with a free first-year membership. We aim to spread this offer across Canada, enhancing our commitment to the military community. Over 8,000 have already benefited from our Veteran Welcome Program. We seek your help in promoting this through emails and transferring memberships to local branches. Legion membership offers community engagement, advocacy work, and various perks. For details and to join, visit our Veteran Welcome Program page. Your support in sharing this opportunity is crucial and appreciated. Please reach out to me via email at ablack@legion.ca

James William Birchall - 2024-01-29

R.C.A.F., Good afternoon ??. I am looking forward to April 1st which marks the centennial of the R.C.A.F.! I am thrilled and excited about all the events that will be taking place throughout the year! The R.C.A.F. has a very proud history and it keeps evolving and getting better. Personally, I am really looking forward to the airshow at CFB Trenton in June! My Father flew the CF-104 in the 70's and that left a huge impression on me. The stories I heard were true and difficult to believe! Every time I see a CF-104 on display, it brings back fond memories of the early morning sounds of the J-79 jet engine! As kids, we used to play war in West Germany and what made it realistic, were the jets flying 200 feet above the ground! Well, I am confident that past, present and future members of the R.C.A.F. will enjoy the centennial year! I know I will! Take care, James Birchall

sergio chavez - 2024-01-25

i hope everybody is doing good i hop u have a good day and year

Natalie - 2024-01-24

Thank you for your service in protecting our country

Sebastien - 2024-01-24

I have a so much appreciation for what you do. you save the world and make this world a better place and peaceful. You guys are the real heros of the world.

Tyler Y - 2024-01-24

Forever grateful for your fearless acts of bravery and dedication to protect our country, our Canadian civilians, and most importantly your friends and family, every family for that matter. Your bravery and sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Janet - 2024-01-23

Hello My name is Janet, I'm from the United States and I wanted to Thank You for your support and dedication to serve. It means a lot to me to know that someone special like you would give of yourself for others! Have a Happy Valentine's Day, take care, Best, Janet

PAMELA WONG - 2024-01-23

To all who are valued members of Society . Especially the ones who served us all . We love each and everyone of you . Thank you for your time and commitment and representing the Country called Canada... the land of freedom Forever in out Hearts Pamela

Jeannine VanderBeek - 2024-01-22

Good afternoon Canadian Forces Member! Just an update from the our house: The Buffalo Bills lost last night, so a puzzle came out on the dining room table because it's cheaper than therapy. Hubby will be okay. Between Canada's Juniors, the Leafs and Bills, losing is familiar territory for him. Took me five minutes to read our local paper because when you live in a small town, the paper is more like a newsletter. Chicken breasts are on sale at the butcher btw. It's cold here. No, not Winnipeg cold, but way too cold for the banana belt. We are getting hammered by wind at the moment, so this note is just really me procrastinating from going for groceries. I don't know where you're deployed at the moment, but for your sake I hope it's warmer than -7C with the windchill. Thank you for making a commitment to Canada that few of us will ever understand or repay. Be well, be safe. Jeannine

Joy - 2024-01-20

Your commmitment to protecting our freedom does not go unnoticed. I am incredibly thankful for your service and hold you in high regard. Take care of yourself, and come back safely.

Laura - 2024-01-19

Hello I know this might be one of many notes that you receive but I wanted to wish you A Happy Valentine's Day and Thank you for all you do. It comes from my Heart! Take Care Always Laura

Brenda - 2024-01-18

Happy New Year. You are an amazing group of people doing admirable work. Your commitment to extraordinary training and devotion to our country are appreciated. Thank you

Sarah and Soveia - 2024-01-18

Thank you for your bravery and commitment. We appreciate your service to our country. Hope all is well!

Owen and Wyatt - 2024-01-18

Thanks you for making our country a better place by protecting the homeland, thoughts and prayers out to all of you and your families.

Daphne - 2024-01-18

I feel extremely grateful for your dedication to this country. Your efforts for keeping this country safe have not went unnoticed. The people within this country should almost feel completely indebted to your courage, bravery, and dedication for keeping peace and defending our home. I hope for your utmost safety in the army.

Sawyer & Veronica - 2024-01-18

We hope the New Year has found you well and we thank you for your service. Please take care.

Carter and Lucas - 2024-01-18

Please know that your efforts don't go unnoticed, we appreciate everything you do and your bravery to serve your country.

silvia - 2024-01-18

I know what it's like to be away from your family during the holidays, because i'm an exchange student from Italy, and im doing my semester in Canada, I learned Canadian history and i appreciate all your work. Ciao

Lois and Ross - 2024-01-18

Dear soldiers, we appreciate your service and bravery. We wish you the best during your time away. Keep up the good work.

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