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Future Fighter Capability Project

Project Type

Project Replace


The successful acquisition and transition into service of 88 advanced fighter aircraft and associated equipment, weapons, infrastructure, information technology, and sustainment, including training and software support. This project will leverage Canadian capabilities and support the growth of Canada’s aerospace and defence industries.


Strong, Secure, Engaged: Canada’s Defence Policy, released on 7 June, 2017, states that National Defence will acquire 88 advanced fighter aircraft to replace the fighter fleet, which will allow the CAF to address the capability gap and to meet Canada’s commitments to NORAD and NATO simultaneously and without compromise. The fighter aircraft fleet is a critical CAF capability necessary to enforce Canada’s sovereignty, enable continental security, and contribute to international peace and security.

On 23 July 2019, the Government of Canada released the formal Request for Proposal (RFP) for 88 advanced fighter jets. Three eligible Suppliers submitted a proposal in response to the RFP in July 2020. These proposals were rigorously assessed, based on elements of capability, cost and economic benefits. In March 2022, the highest ranking Bidder was invited to participate in the Finalization Phase of the FFCP procurement process.

On 9 January 2023, the Government of Canada announced that it had finalized an arrangement with United States Government and Lockheed Martin with Pratt & Whitney for the acquisition of F-35 fighter jets for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF).

Visit the project website

Funding Range

Greater than $5 billion

Anticipated Timeline (Fiscal Year)

Options Analysis Phase
Definition Phase
Implementation Phase
In Progress
Initial Delivery
Final Delivery

Defence Capability Areas

Defence Capability Investment Areas

Key Industrial Capabilities

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