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Rene Pitre - 2023-11-10

In honor of the fallen soldiers of World War I, II and for all past and present soldiers. Tomorrow , we pause to remember and pay tribute to the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice during World War II. Their courage, resilience, and selflessness in the face of adversity have left an indelible mark on history and our hearts. As we reflect on the profound impact of their service, let us express our deepest gratitude for their sacrifices in the pursuit of freedom and peace. May their legacy endure, and may we strive to honor their memory by fostering a world of understanding, tolerance, and unity. Lest we forget the heroes who gave their all for a brighter future. To the memory of my grand father , Gilbert Lecouter ,North Shore Regiment .

Jacob - 2023-11-10

Cher member des Forces armées Canadiennes, j’mappelle Jacob. Je suis en 10e année. Je voulais te dire merci pour tout ce que tu fais. J’espère que vous passez une bonne journée et que vous êtes en sécurité.

Evan - 2023-11-10

Thank you for protecting our land, soldiers. Thank you for you're sacrifice and giving up your freedom in the war.

Cameron Cumpson - 2023-11-10

Cher sold at, j’appreciate le travail que vous avez fait pour ce pays. Je ne peux qu’imaginer a quel point tu es courageux pour que je t’inscrive pour protégér ca. Et ending, je vous remercie pour voter service.

Casey - 2023-11-10

Chers soldats, même si ça vous prenne un peu de temps écoute à quoi je veux dire. J’apprécie tout ce que vous faites pour ce pays. J’apprécie que vous nous aidons d’être sauf du guerre. En plus, vous nous aidons à rappeler des vies perdues pendent la guerre et comment on peut éviter ces erreurs

Maddy - 2023-11-10

Bonjour, Soldat(e) Je m'appelle Maddy et j'ai 15 ans. Je suis dans immersion francaise a mon ecole. Je pense tu es tres courageuse et je t'admire. Merci pour vos services.

liam - 2023-11-10

Thank you for your Service for protecting our country, and when you Fought for our freedom thank you so much for doing that for our country. I was wondering if it was hard to get in the army cause I want to know so I can get into the army I am planning on getting my mom to sign me up for army cadets so I can be just like you guys,and fight for are country just you guys did. I can't wait to be in the army just like you. And again thank you for your service.

Cait and LD - 2023-11-10

Hello, Our great grandpa was in the war and we honour him for sacrificing his life so we can have our freedom. Thank you to all who are currently in the military for protecting us and keeping us safe. We honour you so much.

Dylan - 2023-11-10

Thank you for a safe place to live and the stuff we have now. Thank you for giving everyone a safe place to walk and live wherever they want. Thanks for all the peace you gave to us.

Li@nn@ - 2023-11-10

Dear canadian soldier, Thank you so much for everything, today is remembrance day and i teared up during the video. We all respect you and thank you for all that you have done for us! ??? Every little thing you do, even if you dont think its much, it helps. Ty, Li@nn@

Emily - 2023-11-10

hello thx for serving our countrey i dont yhink wen would be here if you did not serve

Owen - 2023-11-10

Hi you guys are the best

Smith - 2023-11-10

Thank you so much to everyone whos helped and worked hard

Alexandre - 2023-11-10

Thank you for all the peace that you bring to us. Thank you for all the sacrifices that you made for us. Thank you for the safe world that we have now.

Tiffin - 2023-11-10

Thank you for fighting in the wars and helping our country.

Olivia - 2023-11-10

Thank you for the world that we have now, thank you for your sacrifices.

Smith - 2023-11-10

Thank you so much to everyone whos helped and worked hard

Maèva - 2023-11-10

Dear slodiers, Being away from their home, their county and their family for a long time its difficult. You must be feeling kind of sad and lonely sometimes. Also, you need to stay calm and its probably very difficult for you. You must be stressed all the time because you don't know what's going to happen next. All of that to say that you are a very courageous people and I want you to know that your not alone and everybody wish for you the best. Maèva

Lily-Anne - 2023-11-10

Dear solders, I am a students of secondary 2. I know that your jobs include many challenges, like being away from your family for a long time. I think, that you are very courageous and brave people because i'm sure that I will never be able to do what your job involves. You must be very proud of what you do for our population. For me you are admirable people to overcome all these strongs feelings like feeling lonelyness. i want you to know that you are not alone. Lily-Anne

Emily - 2023-11-10

Hi my name is emily i would like to thank you for serving our countrie

Erika - 2023-11-10

Thank you for peace, thank you for the world we have now, thank you for all the sacrifices you do for us.

sarah - 2023-11-10

Dear, members of the Armed force .My name is Sarah and I think it must be difficult for you to be away from your family or friends for a long times .The reason why I am sending you this message is to make you fell better and thank you for all the things you do for the country. Warm regards Sarah

Anaelle - 2023-11-10

Hi soldiers, I hope you are well. I am a high school student and we talked about your classroom work and wanted to write you a message. We know that your work is really not an easy example with all the noise around. It is not easy to sleep, you need to stay vigilant with what is happening, not to be attacked. The conditions are not the best but I am sure you will be proud of everything you have done later. I know it’s difficult emotionally being a soldier but you save lives by risking your life and that’s really impressive everything you’re able to do wrong.

Alexandre - 2023-11-10

Dear solidiers, I'm a hightscool student in second secondary. I write this message because I wan't to support you. I know I can't understand the challenge that you have to live with and the emotions that bring this challenges. It's must be hard to be away from your family or to eat rations packs. This must bring somes strong emotions like sadness. However, I can say that trought you we feel safe and in security here in Canada. Your job is essential and have a lot of difficulty but you inspire a lot of peoples. I'm sure you are strong and you will get trought each hard pass. Regards Alexandre

Li-Ann - 2023-11-10

Dear soldier, Whatever you've been throught and things you will have to do, all the challenges that can have a lot of impacts, just to know that i'm very gratful to live in this safe country that you protect and serve. It must be a big task to support intense emotions and i am amazed how you people continue to serve to secure us and i thank you to be so much loved to our country. Thank you. Kindly, Li-Ann

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