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Malachi - 2023-11-10

Hello war veterans, i'm very grateful for what you have done for my country and defending it was a huge gift and i want to thank you for all you have done and i want to pay respects to you by writing this note i know its not alot but this is the most i can give and i know you deserve way more than this Thank you for your sacrifice.-Malacho

Jasmin - 2023-11-10

Chère Canadienne, nous nous souvenons toujours avec un coquelicot et nous vous remercions pour ce que vous avez fait pour notre pays. Merci de garder le Canada en sécurité. - Avec notre profond respect Jasmin

sam! - 2023-11-10

Salut! Je suis sam, et je partir a Highcastle Public School! Merci de garder le Canada en sécurité. Vous êtes un héro!! Je vais me souvenir en observer un moment de silence. -Bon courage, sam

gabriel - 2023-11-10

Pour tout le monde qui a risquer leur vie pour nous merci.Merci pour tes efforts pour que nous on peux avoir la liberté.Merci pour ton courage et que tu t'est battu sur notre nom.quand je porte un coquelicot sa me fait souvenir de tous les soldat et soldate qui s'est déja battu ou qui son dans une mission maintenant.

Shams - 2023-11-10

Thank you for fighting for the safety of the world. I know your job is hard and you have to sacrifice a lot and I appreciate that you do it anyway. You are all inspirational, strong and very brave. I hope that eventually humanity will reach peace but it seems very far away, so you deserve everyones respect for doing what you do. Thank you.

Gabriel - 2023-11-10

Au Monsieux Soldat, Je suis très reconnaissant pour toi. Tu étais très brave est quand je suis plus age, je veux être aussi courageux que toi. Je suis tellement reconnaissant que des gens comme vous soient prêts a servir le pays et j'espere pouvoir être aussi courageux que vous.

Kirshan - 2023-11-10

Hey my name is Kitchu my school is highcastle and i just want to thank all the people in the war fighting for us thank you so much i know it is hard.

Afshan - 2023-11-10

Dear Soldiers, thank you for sacrificing your lives for our freedom. You make all us feel safe. Thank you so much for everything!

ayaan - 2023-11-10

bonjour merci beaucoup pour tout merci de garder le canada en sécurité thanks for helping and participating in a mission of truce against the wars to help the world gain what we need, peace au revoir/goodbye

Ivy - 2023-11-10

thank you for your service. I appreciate you for fighting for Canada . I know it must be hard getting over the war and what happened. But just to make sure you fighted for Canada and for me and lots others. You should be proud for what you did.

Brayley - 2023-11-10

Thank you for risting your life for people you dont even know i think that is incredible for somone to do.So i would just like to thank you for doing that for everyone so they wouldent have to.Like thats pretty great for somone like you to do that.

Francis voka - 2023-11-10

Cher soldat, Merci pour votre service. Vous êtes prêt à sacrifier votre vie pour protéger notre magnifique pays. Vous avez eu la gentillesse de prendre des risques pour protéger les nombreuses personnes qui vous confient leur maison. Vous êtes toujours courageux d'être en première ligne pour défendre notre pays. Tu vas toujours être commémoré pour tes actes de bravoure. Merci pour tout que tous avais fait. Sincerement, Francis Voka

Daryl - 2023-11-10

Hello my name is Daryl I am from Saint john New Brunswick and I am 11 years old attending Bayside Middle School. Thank you for severe determination helping your country Canada you are a true lifesaver in many different ways wish you best of luck and hopefully get home soon thank you again.

Aubrey - 2023-11-10

Hi, I'm Aubrey and I'm in 6th grade! I've always lived in New Brunswick and honestly, I'm glad I have! Your hard work is probably the top reason I wanna stay in Canada forever (you guys and gals help me live a peaceful life!). You defend Canada to the best of your ability and it's perfect. You put your blood, sweat and tears into defending Canada and I'm so grateful for you and everybody else! I am filled with gratitude for your service and sacrifice. I just wish for the world to be filled with peace and understanding, where everyone's differences can be celebrated! I hope you realize how thankful I am for you! -Aubrey

Micah - 2023-11-10

Dear Serving Soldiers, I want to extend a hand and express my appreciation for what you've done for us. I am grateful for the efforts made to fight and protect our country. Thank you.

TJ - 2023-11-10

Dear Canadian Armed Forces, I would like to thank you for your services, you chose this career to be away from your family's to serve Canada. We honored you in are Chapel/assembly. It was heart touching remembering everyone that served for us to have this freedom today, my grandfathers brother was apart of a military plane crash. We Thank you for everything you do. My deepest thanks,

Foyin O. - 2023-11-10

I am Foyin and I am 11 years old and currently attending Bayside Middle School in Saint John , New Brunswick. I was born in Nigeria and moved to Canada at 9 years old I strongly look up to you guys that you went to protect the country .

Scott - 2023-11-10

Today in school we talked about Remembrance Day and really focused on the ending of the South Korean War. It was sad, to not only see the lives that were killed through the many years of the war but all the families that were separated. It’s hard to fathom the thought of being away from home and to miss out on the family time that has and will continue to be lost. I very much appreciate everyone who has dedicated their lives just to protect us and to put there selves at risk just so we can live a happy life. Not only me but everyone continues to think about you guys and we will continue to provide our greatest attention. Thank you for your service.

Jennifer - 2023-11-10

Dear Sir or Madame, Today I participated in a ceremony to observe Remembrance Day, and want to express heartfelt thanks for your service for our country. My Grandfather served in WW2 and I understand the toll that service can take on families and individuals. I can't fully imagine the types of stress you deal with on a regular basis, but I know it must be hard to live in uncertainty. I pray for you who are reading this today that you will be encouraged and remember that in Canada, we remember you and honour you for your dedication and sacrifice. God Bless.

Cameron - 2023-11-10

Thank you for your service and for your choice to protect the country. The commitment you have made means so much and is very appreciated.

Payton B. - 2023-11-10

My name is Payton, I was born in Canada and still live in Canada. I am 11 years old; I am in grade six, and I'm in horseback riding. I wanted to submit this message because I wanted to say thank you for everything you have done, I also wanted to make someone smile! I hope this made you smile. thank you so much for your service.

Oliver - 2023-11-10

hi my name is Oliver and im in grade six i like hearing about war things my great great grand dad was a d-day sorvier and im 11 i live in new brunswick and i go to bayside middle school what rank are you i play games like roblox and my army name in it is blueraven i have a group call that and i play call of duty and frotnite and i play hockey that all i have. bye oh and thank you for keeping our home safe

Nik - 2023-11-10

Dear members of armed forces, today we focus on what you guys have done for this country, each of you individuals are brave and strong... and with out further of do we thank you for your service, protecting the country and making sure we are safe... May god bless you all and protect you... thank you for your service...

Caylin - 2023-11-10

Dear Soldiers, Thank you for all the work you have done for us, we are very grateful for all the work and everything you have done for us. Without you guys this country would have been an entire mess. We are very grateful for your work guys. When I am older I dream of being one of you guys. I joined cadets this year so I can know a few things about what it's like being in the military. I have always wanted to join the military so I can help people fight for what's right and not for what's wrong. I love being in Cadets. It's so fun. You guys have taught us what it means to fight for freedom. We want to honor and celebrate for your service by wearing poppies. We can also honor you by remembering you and sharing the stories of other Veterans. Thank you again for everything. Sincerely,Caylin

Noah J. - 2023-11-10

Thank you for fighting and saving our community I really appreciate you and solders who went in war to fight. me and my family go to the graveyard and visit the solders graves. you are special and i hope you have a great day.

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