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Deneisha S. - 2023-11-11

hey there, my name is Deneisha, I'm 16 and I've been thinking about becoming a police officer. Maybe even a detective later on. But I gotta admit, the world can be pretty scary. According to my grandma, I'd be great in the military. I wanted to join cadets, but it was too late. My parents keep asking if I'm interested, and deep down, I want to say yes. But the fear of trying new things holds me back. Joining the military is number four on my career list. My uncle is in the military, and I absolutely love hearing his stories. Just wanted to say thank you for your service. I know it's tough, but you keep pushing through. Wishing you all the best and hoping you're doing great.??

Kim - 2023-11-11

Sending hugs and great thanks to you?? for offering your soul to create peace in our world ??each person created equally?? May music sooth you?? please come home safe we love you ?????????? THANKyou

Sue - 2023-11-11

Bonjour & a top of the Morning to our Men Women ca troops we are so proud of your many works, Stay strong be safe & don't let the bed bugs bite, as the said to the troops ' keep your powder dry and no wooden nickles.....you are all our best of the best Merci Sue & a Cricket

Sean Whelan - 2023-11-11

Dear Forces Member(s), Thank you for your service today on this day of Remembrance. We appreciate the sacrifices that the Service makes year in and year out as you serve our country at home and abroad. Please stay safe and take care. Bless You All.

Brianna - 2023-11-11

Thanks for everything you do!

Akshayaa - 2023-11-11

I want to thank all CAF members, past, present, and future for their sacrifice. You will always be remembered, not just on Remembrance Day, but every day. I am forever grateful for what you do and have done for our country and its people. Thank you.

Jennifer - 2023-11-11

On this remembrance day. I want to say Thank you to our troops. Thank you for your sacrifices, for your valor, for the things you carry, for protecting us, and for defending our rights. Thank you to all our veterans for your courage, strength and dedication to keeping us safe. Growing up in a military family, I know the sacrifice that countless men and women have made.

Colin - 2023-11-11

Thank you for keeping Canada safe ??

Kelvin Robertson - 2023-11-11

Meegweetch. Merci. Thank you.

Louise - 2023-11-11

Thank you for your service and for protecting us, our country, and our way of life. We appreciate our creature comforts made possible by Canadian Forces members who have sacrificed so much for the sake of their fellow citizens. On this Remembrance Day, please know that more than ever, we do not take our privileges for granted. Praying for your safe return.

Max - 2023-11-11

Dear fighter, I am thankful for what you do for our country. I love you and everyone else does too. I hope you make it out alive. I bet your family will be happy to see you. You are the best. You are the sun of our world. Thank you, Max (10 years old)

Lisa - 2023-11-11

My appreciation goes to all the courageous soldiers who are willing to protect us Canadians in the military, knowing that they may sacrifice. Without the sacrifices made in the past, from countless soldiers, who were often very young, we would not have a Canada like today. I hope whomever reads this has a spectacular day. Lest we forget.

Mackenzie - 2023-11-11

Thank you all for your sacrifice to allow all of us our freedoms from past to present. Not just on the emotional Remembrance Day but each and everyday to follow. It is important to never forget what each one of you have went through and what your families also had given up for our Country and why you are all so important. We must teach the next generation how brave your are and the strength of what you had to endure and go through. Thank you

Lola from BC - 2023-11-11

To all Veterans ,men and women in the Canadian Forces; I together with my family "Thank You" from the bottom of our hearts. For your past ,present , and future services protecting our country. Sending prayers for your safety & protection ??.

Kristine Greenlaw - 2023-11-10

Thank you for keeping Canada safe. Thank you for your sacrifices. My two grandfathers were decorated WWII Veterans. I am a former Naval Reservist and my son is now and Army Reservist. Your service to protecting our freedom and in fighting those who threaten it and peace is needed and respected. I will remember by wearing a poppy on my heart. I will remember when I watch my son march in tomorrow's Remembrance Day parade. God Bless you all.

Sofia - 2023-11-10

Chers hommes et femmes des Forces armées canadiennes, Je m'appelle Sofia. J'ai 13 ans et je suis très reconnaissante pour votre service. Je n'aurais pas le courage de faire ce que vous faites. Je tiens donc à vous remercier pour le sacrifice et l'engagement dont vous faites preuve pour assurer ma sécurité et celle de mes proches. Un jour ne suffit pas pour rendre hommage à ceux qui se sont battus et battent encore pour ma liberté et celle de tous ceux qui ont besoin d'être défendus. Je ne peux pas imaginer la peur de se battre sans savoir si et quand on va rentrer à la maison. J'apprécie vraiment tout ce que vous avez fait et fait pour moi. J'espère que vous passez une excellente journée de souvenir, car vous le méritez tous. Vous aidiez ce pays chaque journée en faisant partie des forces armées canadiennes. Je vous souhaite une excellente fin de semaine. sincerement, Sofia.

Magalie - 2023-11-10

Dear of Royal Canadien Army member, Today I write this letter for you because in my class we talk about Remembrance Day. I really appreciate all the things you do for our country and how you protect us. You're some people who are ready to risk your life to protect us and that is really amazing. It's like a superpower that you develop and that proves that you are an incredible person. I can understand a lot of emotion you can feel when you say goodbye to your family and have to go on a mission because they have soldiers in my family and it's not that easy to say goodbye. I hope you take care and feel good with all your partners and I wanna say to you thank you for all the things you do for Canada. Warm regards Magalie

Mila - 2023-11-10

Thank you for fighting for us Canadians

Calleigh - 2023-11-10

I respect your troop and thank you ??

Jack - 2023-11-10

Thank you ??

Honey W. - 2023-11-10

Hi my name is honey, I am 14 years old. I just want to say that you are so brave, and I pray for your safety every night. I hope you can come home to your family soon

Jenny W. - 2023-11-10

Hello, I want you to know I pray for your safety each day, I wish you did not have to be in war, protecting those in danger, I wish war did not exist, I pray for peace. But I am grateful for your service, your bravery and your strength. I pray you get home to your family soon. Thank you, Jenny

Joy - 2023-11-10

Hi my name is Joy I’m eleven thank you for doing what you do but while I don’t agree with war i think you are very brave I know I would be very scared I hope you get home safely to your family

Alina - 2023-11-10

Je me souviens! C'est le jour du Souvenir demain!

Rory - 2023-11-10

J'espère que vous êtes en sécurité!

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