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Wayne - 2023-11-14

November 13, 2023 Dear Veterans, We appreciate you for your big sacrifice. You were separated from your family. You died for us in war, you died for our freedom. We all appreciate your effort trying to make a peaceful world. We wish you luck and a safe return home. We won’t forget what you did for us. We honour your death and how brave you were. Sincerely, Wayne

Marc - 2023-11-14

Dear Veterans, We will not forget your Service and we wish you luck and a safe return. Thank you for your huge sacrifice and we will honor those who died in WW1 and peacekeeping missions. We appreciate your effort to try to make the world a better place. Keep going, don't give up, you're doing great and you’re our heroes. We all respect and we all love you. You can do this and we all believe you. From, Marc

victoria 9 years old - 2023-11-14

November, 2023. Dear Veterans, We appreciate your effort of trying to make the world a peaceful, pleasant place and to stop conflicts. We also honour those who have died in peace keeping missions. Thank you for your sacrifice. We wish you good luck and a safe return home. We cannot forget the important job of peace keeping. Thank you for protecting our freedom. Sincerely, Victoria 9 years old

Luna - 2023-11-14

Dear Veterans, Thank you for protecting our freedom .And you are away from your family just protecting us so i very thank you, now in canada it is pease and it’s you and your friends mack it . Also i wish that when you can be home and be safe . We remember the ones who died in peacekeeping missions Also Ilove you who is reading my note . Thank you for your huge protecting us. I am from China but now live in Canada From:Luna

Evan - 2023-11-14

Deav Veterans, Thank you for our freedom. You were so brave to fight in the war. you sacrificed, your life for our freedom and to keep the world a peaceful place. We wish you luck and hope you return safely back home. Sincerely, Evan

Evan - 2023-11-14

Deav Veterans, Thank you for our freedom. You were so brave to fight in the war. you sacrificed, your life for our freedom and to keep the world a peaceful place. We wish you luck and hope you return safely back home. Sincerely, Evan

Lennox - 2023-11-14

Dear Veterans, Hi my name is Lennox I am in grade four. Thank you for are freedom. We also appreciate the safety you have given us. We will never forget what you have done. Thank you for your service, dedication and commitment. Thank you for trying to make the world a peaceful place to live in and stop conflict. We honour and remember the people that died in WW1,WW2, and the Korean war. Thank you for your sacrifice.

Lennox - 2023-11-14

Dear Veterans, Hi my name is Lennox I am in grade four. Thank you for are freedom. We also appreciate the safety you have given us. We will never forget what you have done. Thank you for your service, dedication and commitment. Thank you for trying to make the world a peaceful place to live in and stop conflict. We honour and remember the people that died in WW1,WW2, and the Korean war. Thank you for your sacrifice.

Evan - 2023-11-14

Deav Veterans, Thank you for our freedom. You were so brave to fight in the war. you sacrificed, your life for our freedom and to keep the world a peaceful place. We wish you luck and hope you return safely back home. Sincerely, Evan

Leah(Lie) Jin - 2023-11-14

November, 2023 Dear Veterans, We thank you for protecting our freedom, we will never forget your important job of peace keeping. We also appreciate your effort of trying to make our world a peaceful place and to stop conflicts. Today, we all honor those soldiers who died in peacekeeping missions. Thank you for all of your hard work and sacrifice. From: Leah (Lie) To: Any Veteran

Owen - 2023-11-14

Dear veterans, November, 13,2023 Hi, my name is owen. I live in Vaughan Ontario. Thank you for protecting our freedom and I appreciate your effort of trying to make the world a peaceful place and to stop conflicts. We honor to remember those who have died in peacekeeping missions. We wish you luck and for you to return home. You have risked your life protecting our freedom. Thank you for your service. Sincerely, Owen

Yuna - 2023-11-14

Dear Veterans, November 2023 Thank you for protecting our freedom from danger, keeping us safe,and keeping the world a peaceful place. We appreciate your effort keeping us safe and sound. We REALLY appreciate your sacrifice for us, and your kindness is NEVER to be forgotten. I hope your journey is safe and you return home without getting hurt. Sincerely, Yuna

Aidan - 2023-11-14

November 2023. Dear Veterans, We all thank you for your great bravery and sacrifice.You have helped us gain freedom and strength. We will never forget your hard work and commitment to war and peacekeeping. At school we learned about remembrance day and we learned about peacekeeping missions. We cannot forget your peacekeeping missions. We all wish you luck and so you can come back safely. Sincerely, Aidan

Dustin - 2023-11-14

Dear veterans We wish you good luck in peacekeeping missions. We thank you for protecting our freedom.We honour those who have died in peacekeeping missions.We thank you!We can’t forget the important job of freedom.We appreciate your effort of trying to make the world a peaceful place and stop conflicts. From,Dustin

Antonella.T - 2023-11-14

Dear Veterans, Nov 13,2023 I am sending this letter to you to thank you for your great service to help keep our world safe and in peace. Thank you for all of your sacrifices you have done to keep our world safe from harm. Every year on the 11th of November we gather to recognize all men and women showing bravery. We honour both soldiers who have died and those who are still fighting to keep all of us safe and free. We will never forget you and what you did for all of us. You had to leave your home and your family to fight for justice and peace to keep us safe. We will always remember all of you and what you did for us. Sincerely, Antonella

Vivica - 2023-11-14

Dear, soldiers Thank you for fighting and trying your hardest to protect Canada. I will always remember you guys on remembrance day I wound'int be able to imagine Canada with out you guys and l'm in grade four from Vivica

Alex - 2023-11-14

Mon,Nov,13,2023 Dear Veterans, Thank you for our freedom. We wish you luck and a safe return home. Thank you for all your sacrifices you have made to keep freedom. We appreciate your effort of trying to make the world a peaceful place. I hope one day there will be a peaceful day and there will be no conflicts around the world. So your risky job would be complete for at least one day and no missions would need to be dealt with to protect the innocent and no harm would happen to anyone. Sincerely, Alex Grade 4

Christian - 2023-11-14

Dear Veterans Nov,14 2023 I am sending you this letter because I appreciate your efforts for safe guarding our freedom and keeping the world at peace. I also cannot forget the important job of your peacekeeping and I honour the soldiers that died during peacekeeping missions. Thank you for your huge sacrifice and I wish you luck and a safe return home. Sincerely, Christian

Mike - 2023-11-13

Dear veteran(s) I am thinking of how proud I am of you guys for what you've done to let us have a friendly life, I appreciate you and your sacrifice. Thank you for the wonderful life we have I pray for you and your family amen Sincerely Mike

Luke - 2023-11-13

Dear soldiers, Thank you so much for everything that you've done for us. Thank you for giving us the freedom we have today. Thank you for being so brave and standing up for our country. I was just wondering how you felt when you first got to your training camp. What type of stuff did you do to train. What was the hardest part of your training. You are an amazing person you are much braver than all us back home. I hope that you can return home soon and that you know that I'm so thankful for your service. Sincerely Luke.

Alfie - 2023-11-13

Dear soldier, thank you for keeping us safe. i am grateful that you fought for all of us. thank you for keeping our land safe. i am grateful that you keep our country safe. thank you for defending us

Evelyn - 2023-11-13

Dear Soldiers I pray this message finds you all well. I also pray for strength, courage and peace. Thank you for fighting for our freedom. If no one has told you today, you are so loved and important. As we go into the holidays, know that there are so many people thinking and praying for you. With so much love xoxox - evelyn

Léa-Maude - 2023-11-13

Hi dear soldier , Thank you so much for helping us and our country ! I am so grateful cause I feel safe in my country and I don't think daily that something bad could happen because you are here for all of us ! It must be hard for all of you having to face your fears everyday . You are so brave and courageous ! I admire that so much . The fact that even if you know your life is in danger you risk it for us and face it so well. It must be hard not seeing your family and missing importants events in their lives. Your bolding is keeping all of us have the feeling that we are protected . Besides all of the bad things you saw or you are going to , you always keep your heads up and face it fearlessly . I really wish I was just like you ! I think that you also inspire lots of peoples and kids who wanna be just like you when they grow up . Just always remember that you can do it and if you somehow feel like you can't , remember that we are all here for supporting you and that you are the reason where the countrie is living in securities ! Thank you , Léa-Maude

Devin Howard - 2023-11-13

Cher soldats, Bonjour, mon nom est Devin Howard. Merci pour votre protection et votre service. Je me souviendrai de ce que tu as fait pour nous. Vous ?tes des hero. Sincerement, Devin Howard

Olivia & Julie - 2023-11-13

We are honoured that you are part of the CAF to protect the freedoms that we live today. Your service is deeply appreciated and we will always remember soldiers, past and present, that stand on guard for thee.

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