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Mrs. Welch's Class - 2023-11-10

Thank you for all of your protection and services. We are grateful for all the sacrifices made to keep our country safe. It shows true bravery and allows us to have the freedom we do. We hope for your safe return.

Alba - 2023-11-10

Chère soltate, Merci d`avoir défendu notre pays. Merci d`avoir sauver notre pays. tu nous réprésentes bien. Merci dêtre courageuse pour nous. je vais me souvenir de toi toujour. qans je vois un qoqelicot je me rapelle de toi

Alba - 2023-11-10

Chère soltate, Merci d`avoir défendu notre pays. Merci d`avoir sauver notre pays. tu nous réprésentes bien. Merci dêtre courageuse pour nous. je vais me souvenir de toi toujour. qans je vois un qoqelicot je me rapelle de toi

Mathieu - 2023-11-10

Hello, My name is Mathieu and I’m writing this message to you because I wanted to. In class, we had a convo about Remembrance day. I conclude that you had surely risked your life for the security of many citizens and for peace around the globe. Going away from your family is never easy, but insecurity must not take control of our person. The unknown is never inviting and it gives you fear and it’s normal. The essential is to get over the anxiety and to be able to be proud of your work for the society and country. Hope you’re doing alright, Mathieu

carlos - 2023-11-10

cher soldat merci pour battre la guerre pour nous et merci pour tout vous avais faire pour nous merci pour sauver notre pays et notre ville merci pour aider les autre pays merci pour aide notre pays quand eux avais la guerre

Maddyson - 2023-11-10

Hello dear member of the armed forces,I’m Maddyson a 13 year old girl and I write you this message because in class we talk about the remembrance day and think it was important to write you a little message. I know that sometimes it is difficult for you to leave your family and you maybe have tons of emotions at the same time.You maybe feel sad,scared,stressed but I want you to think that the canadian are really lucky to have soldiers like you and we are really proud of what you do to help our country but also the others.Thank you for reading my message and have a great day.

Justine - 2023-11-10

Dear soldiers, thank you for protecting our country and make your life depending for ours. Being away from your family for a long time must be hard and losing your camarades also. With your constant help, I always feel safe in my country and I don't ever feel like I'm in danger. I'm really proud to say that I've got people like you guys to defend our country. I think that you inspire a lot of people by showing your courage and the fact that you want the habitants of your country to feel safe. Whatever happens, don't give up and remember that we will forever support you! Thank you, Justine

Jeanne - 2023-11-10

Hi soldiers, My name is Jeanne and I write this to you to say thank you for your incredible work. I supposed being away from your family for a long time must be hard and make you feel sad because sometimes you didn’t know when you were going to come back home. I’m really grateful for your work because I know you have been brave and that you made a beautiful work serving our country.

Laurie - 2023-11-10

Hi savers, My name is Laurie and in my english class, we talked about remembering day and I wanted to give you a little message of hope because I am really grateful of your work. We talked about the fact that you are representing and serving our country. You probably are happy and proud about this because it must be hard. I can understand how hard it can be to be in the army but I think that if you made it this far, it means that you are in for the long run.

Laura - 2023-11-10

Hello dear soldiers, I just wanted to send you a little message to hopefully help you feel a bit better with your job. I'm a student in high school, and we've hade this discussion in class about the armed forces. I cannot know what you feel in your everyday life, but I try to imagine what it would be to be in your shoes. I can imagine the challenges you're gonna be going through, or already have, like leaving your family and friends. To finish, I just want to say thank you for everything you're doing to help us. It's really appreciated. I hope you're next mission goes well.

charlie - 2023-11-10

cher soldat, Le coquelicot rouge sur le champs de bataille. merci pour te battre en notre nom on va toujours se souvenir de toi. merci pour nous défendre pour nous. Tu as beaucoup de courage tu es bon pour nous représenter .

Benjamin - 2023-11-10

Merci cher vétéran pour nous avoir défendu avec votre courage. Vous battre en notre nom et le nom de notre pays.On se souvient toujours même si plusieur personnes son dans leur lit éternelle de coquelicot

Sabina - 2023-11-10

Hello dear members of the canadian army, in class today we had a discussion about soldiers and remembrance day. So I decided to write a message to show my appreciation to your service, to you protecting our country and to respect the many challenges you have encountered across your path. Challenges like having to go away to other countries to help them, missing your family and friends and having deep emotions. Even when feeling sad and stressed sometimes the troops push though and I believe you are feeling proud to be part of our army. But you guys still protect us no matter what and I think that is very impressive and you deserve a good thanking. Thank you for serving the Canadian army and protecting us day to day ! -Sabina

Clara - 2023-11-10

Hello, In my English class we talked about remembrance days and we decided to send a message to you to thank you for all of the great work you are doing for our population. I know that the army can be really difficult because of the challenges you need to go up. You have to leave your family, risk your life and also you can see your brothers in arms suffert and I know that it can be really hard for you. I know also that you can become really sad by doing this job because you can be really far away from people you love. So that's why I wanted to send you this message to thank you for all of the sacrifices you are doing for our population. We are really lucky to have someone like you to protect our country.

Pascale - 2023-11-10

Hello, fellow member of the armed forces! I'm writing this to tell you how much the Canadian community and everyone around the world appreciate your service to our country. In class, we had a discussion about Remembrance Day and I wanted to show my support. The soldiers must be frightened risking their life for us and being deployed. We understand defending our country must be challenging and an experience full of anxiety. The troops must feel sad not seeing their family but I hope they are proud of what they do. I hope you continue your amazing work Sincerely, Pascale

Pascale - 2023-11-10

Hello, fellow member of the armed forces! I'm writing this to tell you how much the Canadian community and everyone around the world appreciate your service to our country. In class, we had a discussion about Remembrance Day and I wanted to show my support. The soldiers must be frightened risking their life for us and being deployed. We understand defending our country must be challenging and an experience full of anxiety. The troops must feel sad not seeing their family but I hope they are proud of what they do. I hope you continue your amazing work Sincerely, Pascale

Isaac R. - 2023-11-10

Hi soldiers, In my class, we talked about rememberance day, so I wanted to sent you a little message. I hope that you are proud to be there and help your country because if I was at your place, I would be proud. I hope you don't miss your family and your friends very much. I also hope that you are not scared. I wish you to have goods roomates in your bedroom. Isaac

Mona - 2023-11-10

Hello, I am writing this text to tell you that you are doing a good job and that we are really proud to be Canadians because of you. For some context, in class, for the remembrance day we did a special activity and did some discussions about how your job is sometimes hard, and part of the activity was to write you a text. We are really thankful for you and your fellow members for risking your life for us. We know how hard your job is and how you feel. Thank you for your service and those of your brothers in arms. Mona

Mona - 2023-11-10

Hello, I am writing this text to tell you that you are doing a good job and that we are really proud to be Canadians because of you. For some context, in class, for the remembrance day we did a special activity and did some discussions about how your job is sometimes hard, and part of the activity was to write you a text. We are really thankful for you and your fellow members for risking your life for us. We know how hard your job is and how you feel. Thank you for your service and those of your brothers in arms. Mona

Elizabeth - 2023-11-10

Hello, i'm reaching out because we've discussed in class today about rememberance day. I think it's important to take the time to remember and say thank you to soldiers as they are have been serving our country during war time. Fighting to protect our country is definitely a job without rest and that we must respect. Since you patriotically risk your life for our country although I suppose that leaving your family/country for a long time can be hard as sometimes you leave for a long period. I appreciate your work alot.

Adam - 2023-11-10

Hello a big Thanks for all :-) I know ur sad but dont be sad i know its difficult but u will do it I hope u stay alive

Sydney - 2023-11-10

Chere soldat ou soldat, je voulait te remairsier pour fair sur que notre ville est en sicuriter et que le monde veux aitre comme toi, pas personne dautre toi! On vait toujour tans rapeler de toi! Bon matin et Bon soir, mervailleux soldat ou soldates.

Sydney - 2023-11-10

Chere soldat ou soldat, je voulait te remairsier pour fair sur que notre ville est en sicuriter et que le monde veux aitre comme toi, pas personne dautre toi! On vait toujour tans rapeler de toi! Bon matin et Bon soir, mervailleux soldat ou soldates.

Mia - 2023-11-10

Dear Canadian soldier, Hello my name is Mia.I am a sixth grade student from Hamilton.I wanted to thank you for sacrificing so much to protect our country and our freedom.I know that life in the army is hard but keep going! I bet that you’re probably really smart and strong??. But thanks for doing so much for our country! Have a good day or night!

Damien - 2023-11-10

Hello soldiers, I write this message for you because I think you deserve a message for what you do for our country.Also I admire you because you have a lot of challenge in your job like going away of your family,knowing that you can be traumatized or knowing that you can lose people and also have emotion like sadness,prid,scare and other.But the thing who are the most beautiful is that you do that for our country and I really appreciate it.I hope that you are proud of you. Bye Damien

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