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JP High School - 2023-11-16

Dear Service Member, My name is Carl Caoie and I am a student at Jasper Place High School. I am from the Philippines, a country that resides in Southeast asia. I was born in Bataan but moved to Mariveles Pangasinan at the age of 2 and I came to Canada at the age of 8 in the year 2016. Currently in grade 11; I play basketball for fun and go out with my friends a lot. I am thankful for all those who has given their life to keep our country safe.

Lev - 2023-11-16

My name is Lev, I'm a highschool student in Edmonton alberta. I was born here and have lived here my whole life. A little bit more about me is that I play basketball everyday for 1.5 hours and I also play guitar. I would like to thank you for your service and how without you I wouldn't be able to live here in peace. MY wish for the world is that the armed forces can keep peace while also finding peaceful solutions to conflicts. I also wish that the world can learn more about cooperation and empathy. Lev Cairns

Toby - 2023-11-16

To the servicemember receives this, My name is Toby Biden, I go to Jasper Place High School in Edmonton. I'm Edmonton born and raised and I'm in grade eleven. In my free time I enjoy working out, cooking, metalworking and playing rugby. I've always had an interest in joining the Armed Forces but I'm not entirely sure what branch I'd go into. I know you've probably heard it hundreds, if not thousands of times but thank you for your service. Its hard to put into words how truly grateful I am for how much you do for our country. I don't think I could imagine a world without the sacrifices you've made for Canadians. I hope you and all your fellow servicemembers the absolute best. I wish you safe holidays and a Happy New Year. Stay safe!

Rylan - 2023-11-16

My name is Rylan and I am a student in Grade 11 at Jasper Place High School in Edmonton. My immediate family includes me my Mom, Dad, and younger sister who is in grade 5. We also have a cat named Taffy. I was born here in Edmonton and it has always been my home. I enjoy my time outdoors here specifically my time in the river valley. I play hockey and have for the past 8 years which is something I thoroughly enjoy. I also started officiating hockey games this year. I am thankful for your service and the service of the many others who have worked in the Canadian armed forces. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by all Canadians. The effects of your service are very visible and allow us to live in peace here in Canada. The saftey and security we experience here is due to your work. The great world we live in would not be the same without you. My hopes for the future would be a safer enviroment for all people in all countries. I also hope for the exploitation of people to end and for those who are suppressed to have accessible help for what ever there situation is. Thank you for your service all that you do is greatly appreciated.

JP High School - 2023-11-16

Thank you for your service, for all the countless lives you’ve saved and brought peace upon. Without you the world wouldnt be the place it is today

Liam - 2023-11-16

Dear Service Member, My name is Liam Bandsma, and I am currently in grade 11 at Jasper Place High School. I was born just outside of Edmonton, and I have lived here my whole life. Growing up I have always had the freedom to play sports, and participate in the competitive activities that I love.

Jester - 2023-11-16

Hi there, I’m a high school student living in Edmonton and I just wanted to take this time to thank you. You may not know it, but you’ve changed my life for the better. My quality of life in Edmonton is amazing, I come from the countryside of the Philippines where I helped my family plant rice, yeah, captivating story. Either way, I have you to thank in some part for the freedoms and life I now enjoy today as a citizen of Canada. I mean, I’ve been able to get a world class education, something I couldn’t do back home because of where we lived. On the behalf of everyone in this country, we thank you for your service in the armed forces. You maintain peace and order in this otherwise fractured world, may you one day return home safe.

Dale - 2023-11-16

Im writing you an email saying how thankful I am of how much you have done for our country. you guys have done so much for us you have put so much of your time into us and i hope you guys live a happy life.  

Dara - 2023-11-15

Chers, hommes et femmes des forces armées canadiennes, je vous remercie pour votre service et le maintien de la paix dans les nations. Sans vous, notre monde ne serait pas ce qu'il est. Merci de m'avoir fait sentir en sécurité et d'avoir toujours lutté pour ma liberté en tant qu'étudiante canadienne. Sincèrement, Dara

Eyaqem - 2023-11-15

thank you for your service

Sophia - 2023-11-15

Dear troops, i hope you are doing well. Thank you for fighting for freedom.

Kayla - 2023-11-15

Dear Veterans, Thank you for your sacrifices and bravery to keep the world a peaceful place. We won’t forget the soldiers who went to war and died for our freedom. we wish you a safe return home. Sincerely, Kayla

Bella - 2023-11-15

Dear troops I am writing this thank you note to show my gratitude for your selfless personality and putting your life risk to help us

Seth JN - 2023-11-15

Dear Canadian Soldiers, Thank you for your sacrifices for our country. I wish you guys good luck in Mali and The Democratic of Congo. I hope you guys stay safe in those foreign countries. Sincerely, Seth

trisyn - 2023-11-15

Hello Soilders, I wanted to come on here and say thank you.Some of the things I wanted to say thanks is for letting me have peace.Also thank you for letting me now have freedom to live my life not in fear anymore.Because of you i feel safe here.Thank for your work. Also I hope when u look back to the war you don't see sadness but pride and being proud of your self. Thank you for all you have done.

Vivian - 2023-11-15

I think I'm speaking for Canada when I say thank you. Nothing we can ever do can show our gratitude towards the sacrifices you have made to the purpose of serving this country. We are much obliged for your services. Your legacy will forever live on in our hearts. May you rest in peace. -Amen.

Morin - 2023-11-15

Dear Armed Forces, thank you for your services for our country Canada. Because of you we don't have to worry about national threats to our safety. We are very lucky to have such brave people like in our military. We owe our freedom to the courageous men and women fighting on the front-lines to protect civilians like us. Thank you for an amazing country to live in.

Shallom - 2023-11-15

Dear Canadian Soldiers, I would like to say thank you for your service and keeping nations peaceful. Our world would not be like this if not for you. Thank you for making me feel safe and always fighting for my freedom as a Canadian Student. Sincerely, Shallom

Ellisyn - 2023-11-15

Hello Veterans I am Ellisyn and I just want to say thank you! You have done a lot to protect us and keep us safe. I don't think this little message can say how grateful I am. Thank you for all you have done for protecting Canada. I hope you guys will keep fighting for our country. I am so grateful for all your services! Sincerely, Ellisyn

Jordy - 2023-11-15

Dear troops, Thank you! I want to say thank you for all you do. You are donating your safety and lives for our nation which takes incredible courage. You are the reason why i get to have a peaceful life. My day to day would be different without your service. Thanks!!!!! Sincerely, Jordy

Rylee - 2023-11-15

Dear Troops,thank you for all that you've done.You probably miss you're family's.Thank you for representing our country. It is probably really scary,you need guts to do that. thank you again.

Pupo - 2023-11-15

I am sincerely grateful for your service and sacrifice. Thank you for your service! I'm certain it comes with many sacrifices and I thank you and your family each and everyday. Words are not enough to express the gratitude I hold in my heart for our veterans.

Emmeri - 2023-11-15

Dear Canadian soldiers, I appreciate what you have done for us. You sacrificed for our living freedom and doing what's right. I'm very thankful for what you done for us. sincerely Emmeri

Sophie - 2023-11-15

Dear members serving the Canadian forces, I'd like to thank you for serving for our country. Thanks to you guys we are able to live free throughout the day and our lives. I don't know how our lives would be if it wasn't for your bravery and sacrifices. You have inspired young ones and continue to do so everyday. Not all members may go down in history, but you will surely have a place in our hearts.

Oke - 2023-11-15

Thank you for doing all that you have done I hope u come back to our families safely and have no injuries at all. May Gd bless you for the work you have been doing.

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