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Wendy - 2023-12-17

Merry Christmas to those serving overseas. Enjoy the festive season. Thank you for service.

John A Pokorny - 2023-12-17

Our thoughts are with you as Christmas comes near. Thank You for your service and wish you all the best for the future. May God protect each and every one.

Crystal - 2023-12-17

Happy Holidays to you and your families! Thank you for all you do on behalf of Canadians. From Moose Jaw home of 15 Wing!

Celine - 2023-12-17

Merry Christmas to you. The bravest Canadians whom are protecting our peace. We truly wish you the happiest of thoughts and our prayers are with you. Please keep yourselves safe til your able to hug your loved ones in person. Happy Safe New Year

Marlayne Dinney - 2023-12-17

Thank you for all you do for our country and around the world. Our armed forces are brave, multi trained and never ever give up! Stay strong .. Happy Holidays!

Brandon - 2023-12-16

To all those serving in the armed forces away from home this Christmas, you are loved and appreciated. We all wish you a happy holidays and can't wait to see you home soon.

Tina - 2023-12-16

I know it isn’t easy. I’m a military wife and I’m lucky my husband is home with me for the holidays. I wish you a happy holidays from a far and I hope you’re able to keep your chins up and be proud of the sacrifices you make for your country. You’ll be in the arms of your loved ones soon.

Tamara - 2023-12-16

Merry Christmas! Bless you for all you do. Keep safe and above all, thank you for all that you do ??

Abigail McDormand - 2023-12-16

Happy holidays! Thank you for everything you strong, brave men and women do for our country. Eternally grateful ?? Stay strong and Soldier on!

Michele - 2023-12-16

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a good new year. Thanks for your services

Tiffany - 2023-12-16

Merry Christmas and thank you for all you do! Praying for you all to have a safe and joyful Christmas!

Zoë - 2023-12-16

Merci pour les sacrifices que vous faites pour le bien de la nation! Que Dieu vous protège et vous bénisse.

Peter Schuurman - 2023-12-16

Dear, Canadian troops I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas! And a happy New Year! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and remember God is with you wherever you go! Amen! By: Peter

Lori Goodwin - 2023-12-16

Thank-you so much for keep us safe and serving your country. I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Lise Boileau-Ness - 2023-12-16

I would like to wish to all members Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May you be safe and healthy. Peace on earth. I am very proud of you all.

Eileen Monks - 2023-12-16

Merry Christmas to the heroes of our nation. Thank you for your dedication and honour you provide to Canadians. So have a happy and safe Christmas wherever you are in this world. Please know there are people back in Canada who truly care about you!

Louna.M - 2023-12-16

Bonjour à tout ceux et celles qui liront mon message. Je m'appelle Louna et je suis belge. Je n'y connais pas grand chose sur tout ce que vous faites pour vôtre pays, mais je suis consciente de tout les sacrifices que tout cela doit impliquer . Même si je le voulais je ne pourrai jamais savoir ni même comprendre tout ce que vous pouvez éprouver et ressentir au quotidien. Je vous écris car dans très peux de temps c'est Noël et je ne sais pas comment cela se passera pour vous, si vous aurez l'occasion de pouvoir retourner auprès de vos familles ou pas. Du coup je me suis dit " Louna écrit leurs pour leurs faire savoir que tu penses très fort à eux, et que tu sais que si tu es là en sécurité allongée sur ton lit c'est grâce à des gens comme eux qui ont décidé de se battre pour protéger des gens comme toi. Le but de cette lettre est d'une certaine manière de vous apporter un peu de réconfort et de vous faire un peu sourire. Mais également de vous faire savoir que il y à des tas et des tas de gens qui sont conscients du sacrifice qu'est d'exercer votre métier. En tout cas moi j'en suis consciente et je vous remercie du plus profond de mon cœur ?? J'ignore si c'est quelque chose de malaisant à dire dans votre situation , mais je voulais quand même vous souhaitez?? un joyeux Noël ??en avance (16/12/2023) Prenez soin de vous! Louna.M

Kerry - 2023-12-16

Have a happy holidays

Chris Weicker - 2023-12-15

My immediate family all have served or serving now. We know that been deployed on operations over Christmas and New Years is a challenge, especially since you are away from family and friends. Please accept our thanks for your service in the CAF. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Juan Pablo De Olaguibel - 2023-12-15

Dear Armed forces Service members From the bottom of our hearts, my family and I want to thank you for your service and would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and uneventful 2024. Thank you for keeping our country strong and free.

Smith family - 2023-12-15

May your Holidays be joyful and New year exiting! Thank you for your service!

Siobhan Fedosoff - 2023-12-15

Thank you for your service, you honor our country by helping to create more peace in the world. Stay safe and enjoy the small things.

Teresa - 2023-12-15

Thank you for all you do, for all fhe sacrifices you make to keep our country proud. You are thought of and always in our hearts, especially at Christmas.

Kim Macdonald - 2023-12-15

Wishing our Canadian service men and women a very happy holiday. Some will be away from family over this time which cannot be easy. I want to thank-you for your service and sacrifice. We appreciate you!

Queens - 2023-12-15

when your not around please explain to the opp thats the hells angels have over five hundred addresses of the mere officer and also there relatives the diseased lewis auto either needs to be to shut up and f off and try to get the freak to except the rejection or oww them the nomads have the addresses for real

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