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Mary - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, My name is Mary and I am in Gr. 3 in Collingwood, ON. Where are you right now? A bit about me is that I like all the colours of the rainbow and I have a pet hamster named Tiny. He lives in a big tank in our living room. At school today, our class went bowling. It was so much fun, and I knocked down all the pins on one of my turns. Do you like bowling? In the summertime, I love to catch butterflies and frogs. I also love to play my guitar. In the winter, I like playing in the snow, and making snowmen. Afterwards, I like to come in to eat pizza and drink hot chocolate. Thank you for keeping our country and other countries safe, and thank you for reading this letter. I hope you have a great Christmas and get to see your family soon. From: Mary

Everett - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, Hi my name is Everett. My favorite color is orange. And I like sushi and my favorite game to play is Mario. I'm in grade 3 and I really love to play soccer. I hope you have a Merry Christmas! From Everett

Gabe - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, My name is Gabe and I like to play GaGa Ball at recess. My favorite sport is basketball. I don't like the colour pink because it is too bright! I like blue, green, red and orange. Orange is my favorite out of all of them because it looks like the sunset! My second favorite color is blue because it looks like the ocean water. What is your favorite colour? We planted plants a while ago with our Science teacher. Happy holidays! from Gabe

Ace - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member’Hi my name is Ace. I love math And reading. Thanks for all you do. Can I tell you some stuff about me The weather here is pretty snowy. How is the weather where you live? You're the best thank you. My favorite colors are blue, green and turquoise.I hope you get home this holiday season.

Lukas - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, Hello my name is Lukas. We have snow but do you have snow I don't know? I Hope You Soldiers can visit your families on Christmas! Soldiers, do you like eggs? I love eggs! I hope you have a happy day on Christmas. Love Lukas

Ivy - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, Hi. My name is Ivy and my favorite colors are Green, Blue, pink and purple. I like going snowboarding with my whole family because we practice a lot. I am in grade 3 And I like McDonald's a lot . I like having play dates with my friends and eating gingerbread cookies. That's what we do at our friend's house. My favorite animals are cat and dogs and I really love bunnies! They're so cute! And I like going on walks and I really like snuggling my dog as well and my Cat . Happy Holidays! From Ivy F.

Addi - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, My name is Addi and I am a Gr.3 Student. I live in Collingwood, Ontario. We live near the largest freshwater beach and it is beautiful! My favorite colors are pink,purple and blue and I love Swimming! I hope you can come home for Christmas and New years! Happy Holidays! From Addi

Hudson - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member My name is Hudson l am a grade 3. My favourite food is sushi and I Love soccer. I live in collingwood, Ontario. Since t’s winter, I can’t play soccer. Do you have snow where you live? I wish you a merry christmas and Thank you for your service and I wish you would come home to your families soon!

Olivia - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, My name is Olivia. I am 8 years old. I Live in Collingwood, Ontario. My favorite colors are blue, pink and purple. I wish you the best Christmas. Love Olivia.

Kaia - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces, my name is Kaia. I live in Collingwood, Ontario we live right beside big ski mountain we have so are very happy. My favorite color is blue , purple and pink. My favorite things to do in the winter is to Ski and get presents from Santa and go sledding. my dogs pull the dog sled but I don't think we can go out on the dog sled until we get a little more snow. Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

Ivy K. - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, Hi My name is Ivy. I live in Collingwood, Ontario. Our community lives near a place called Wasaga Beach .We Got a lot of snow last night and it was awesome!! !! PS I'm in grade 3 . I have a question: do you have snow where you live ? My favorite colors are pink, blue and gold. My favorite thing to do is go camping with my Family. I like going camping because it is Really pretty looking at the sunset On the Beach .We also live near the world's largest freshwater Beach, Wasaga Beach. It is beautiful . My favorite thing to do in the winter is snowboard. I don't know how to ski yet but I think I will learn soon. I haven't gone snowboarding yet but I think we will go sometime this year woohoo! Merry Christmas!

James - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member My name is James. My Favorite sports are Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer and GaGa ball. I also like Fortnite Battle Pass And my favorite color and Orange and blue and green And red and black And I really like to ski do you like to ski? And I also really like to play with Lego and playing in the snow the . Is there snow where you are right now? And I really like Iron Man. Have a Merry Christmas!

Tia - 2023-12-21

My name is Tia and I am a grade 3 student in Collingwood Ontario. Our community lives close to a ski hill and we just got a TON Of snow last night . Which makes the skiers VERY VERY happy! I have a question do you have snow where you live? We also live near the world's largest freshwater Beach,Wasaga Beach .It is BEAUTIFUL!My favorite colors are red, pink, yellow And orange. I also love basketball and Swimming. Merry Christmas and a happy new year! From: Tia

reef - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, My name is Reef. My favorite sports are soccer and Basketball and I have so many friends! I like math playground and I love math and Minecraft. My favorite colors are red and black and white and blue and green and dark green! And brown ! And I like to play GaGa Ball during recess. Have a Merry Christmas! From Reef

Carmen - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, My name is Carmen I am a grade 3 student in Collingwood ,Ontario. Our community is near a Ski hill. We don't have a lot of snow yet though so my family is not going skiing yet. Do you have snow where you are? We also live near the world's largest freshwater beach, Wasaga beach. it's beautiful!!! My favorite colors are any shade of blue, especially turquoise.My favorite thing to do in the winter is to go skiing with my mom and skating with my dad.Thank you for all you do to keep our country and other countries safe. I hope you get to come home soon and see your family. Happy Holidays a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! From Carmen

Greyson - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, Hi My name is greyson and And I like to build forts out of snow and I really really love to make snowballs. I throw them at my brother who is 5 years old and he is very very cool! I am 8 years old and I go to a special school. It’s special because it’s very very very cool and my friends in my class are mary and Hudson. We're making special presents for our mom and dad and I hope you get home safe and I never want to get into war because could get killed so be careful. I hope you get to come home soon and hang out with your family. I hope you get to have fun. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

Charlene - 2023-12-21

Merry Christmas to you. I mailed a paper card to any member of military and it was sent back to me as our world is digital Lol. (I still like old school cards). Thank you for your service, wherever you may be in this crazy world of ours. Canadians tend to forget how lucky we are living in a peaceful and plentiful country. To our service past and present we owe you everything. (My dad and step dad both served WW2). Merry Christmas and hope you have some digital time with family and friends. ??

Maya - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, My name is Maya and I am a Gr. three student in Collingwood, Ontario. We think of you every night and day and know that you are okay and will win in the war. I have a very quick question for you. Do you have snow where you are? My favorite colors are pink, blue and red. My favorite thing to do is go skating with my nanny and Gampies.I prefer outdoor skating during the winter. Thank you for all you do to keep our country and other countries safe. I hope you come home soon to see your family! Happy holidays! Maya

jamarcus oniyide - 2023-12-21

dear canadian peacekeeper Happy holidays. i hope you had a good day. my name is jamarcus oniyide i have a 14 year old brother and i am 8 years old. I was born in 2015. thats all for me but what about you? who was the first member to join your peacekeeper team? what were you first stationed where are you now? how many times do you do this? when did you start doing this? i wish you all the luck. sincerly jamarcus

Tony - 2023-12-21

Dear Canadian Peacekeeper . I like root beer do you? My name is Tony . Do you like A and W? I run fast do you. Do you hide good I do? When do you do your job ? Happy holidays. I am grade 3 silverthor community school sinecerely tony Toronto, Ontario, Canada 300 kane avenue m6m3p1

Claire B - 2023-12-21

Thank you for your dedication and service. May you have a safe holiday season and be back with your family, loved ones and friends soon. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you again stay safe and may God Bless you all .

Harry - 2023-12-20

Remove the last message about Todd Lewis & Lewis Auto & ignore it.

Kyle - 2023-12-20

Can you kill off Todd Lewis at Lewis Auto , the hells said they do it if you can’t to turn it off pass that along since we have over 4 police addresses

Henry - 2023-12-20

Hi do you mind if we have the Todd Lewis at the Lewis Auto gaged to shut up and thrown in the glass house. There a few people that like to have him removed can you have it ripped out of there property.for a couple moments can you review the currnt bs and actually disapline them .

Henry - 2023-12-20

Hi do you mind if we have the Todd Lewis gaged to shut up and thrown in the glass house ,

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