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Camp Sustain

Project Type

Project New


This project will deliver new camp utilities to improve energy efficiencies and reduce the environmental footprint of military base/compounds in an operational environment. CS project will deliver a deployable camp infrastructure and utilities system to provide sustained, robust and flexible support during CAF expeditionary and domestic operations. CS will sustain up to four concurrent deployed task forces of 250 to 1500 personnel for concurrent operations, or up to 4800 pers for a single operation for deployment duration of six to more than 24 months.

The CS possible sub-systems to be delivered are the following: new shelters systems, deployable waste water management capability, solid waste management systems, SMART Energy and Power Management capabilities.


The project is aiming at reducing field camps fossil fuel consumption by 25-50%, water demand by 50-75% and waste (liquid and solid) by 50-75%. No single technology can achieve such savings and the project will explore the following potential deliverables: smart power management systems (camp micro-grid); deployable renewable energy systems (solar/wind); camp energy storage (batteries, compressed air); deployable wastewater treatment plants; waste to energy systems (pyrolyser, gasifier); fuel efficient large power generators (variable speed generators); camp energy usage reduction systems (high efficiency refrigeration, solar shades, improved shelter insulation); improved camp heating and cooling systems and energy capture systems (heat capture and reuse).

Funding Range

$250 million to $499 million

Anticipated Timeline (Fiscal Year)

Options Analysis Phase
In Progress
Start Definition
Start Implementation
Initial Delivery
Final Delivery

Defence Capability Areas

Defence Capability Investment Areas

Key Industrial Capabilities

Not applicable.

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