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TFJ class at JNSS - 2023-11-10

To all the veterans who sacrificed their today for our tomorrow! You inspire the world with your courage and bravery. We can never forget that your sacrifice has given us freedom and opportunities. We respect and offer our gratitude for all the war veterans.

Gavin - 2023-11-10

Dear Armed Forces Member, Thank you for all of the sacrifices that you have made to protect our country and its people, each day you are making Canada a better place for people to live, learn and grow. Canada is thanking you for serving our country and keeping it safe. WHen I was younger, I didnt understand the importance of of Rememberance Day and the soldiers that fought in the war and sacrifieced everything, including their lives to protect Canada. Thank you for everything.

Owen - 2023-11-10

Dear member of the Canadian armed forces, I hope you receive this message and read it. I wish you good luck and safety during your services in the Canadian Armed Forces. Your commitment is appreciated and honoured all throughout Canada. My gratitude for your services is immense. Please stay safe and healthy throughout your military experience. ????

will - 2023-11-10

Dear armed forces member, Thank you for fighting for our country I really appreciate your sacrifice for Canada and helping our country. You will always be remembered as a hero in Canada. Thank you for dedicating your time to fight for Canada, Canada would not be the same without you. Today is a day that we remember you and all the other soldiers around the world that fight for the right of Canada. I appreciate what you have done for Canada and thank you for your commitment.

Kiona - 2023-11-10

Dear Canadian forces member, I would like to let you know that I appreciate your service and i´m grateful for the things you do for us. Thank you for helping people all other the world with things such as natural disasters.

Myles - 2023-11-10

Dear Canadian armed forces member, thank you for your service by fighting for our country and giving us our freedom. I hope you are having an amazing day today. I hope everyone that you have done something for gives you something back because you deserve it.

Cooper - 2023-11-10

Dear Canadian armed forces member or veteran, thank you for what you have all done for this country it is from me for all my thanks to you. You have saved many lives and fought in the war to protect people and fellow Canadians. Many other soldiers sacrificed their tomorrow so we can have our today they fought for freedom you fought for freedom thank you for that.

Palash - 2023-11-10

Dear Solider of Canada, Thank you for serving in the Canadian Armed Forces and for keeping Canada a peaceful country.The reason canada a free,thriving country is because of you and other soliders of Canada. Your the reason a person like me doesnt need to worry about bombs and missles. Thanks to people like you I will always have my tomorrow and thank you for keeping other country at peace. So overall, thank you for having impact on this country and for serving in the Canadian Armed forces to keep us a free,peace-loving and Wealthy country! Thank you for everything you have done Thank you, Palash

Victor - 2023-11-10

Dear Canadian armed forces member, Thank you for your service protecting our country and giving everyone freedom I will never forget what you guys have done for us and everyone else. I hope that you have an amazing time wherever you go and people respect you for who you are.

Nico - 2023-11-10

I appreciate you very much and what you have done for us and the future of canada you sacrificed a lot for us and I respect you thank you for what you have done for us. Sincerlely Nico

madison - 2023-11-10

Dear forces veteran, thanks for what you have done for us. Were all so grateful for helping us get freedom and having a safe life here. We all thank you guys for risking and sacrificing your life for are country. Everyone appreciates what you've done for are country.

Tyler - 2023-11-10

Dear Canadian forces member or veteran, I would like to thank you as much as I possibly can for helping us have a free, safe life and how you did it. Thank you for risking your life for this country to be a free and safe environment and you made some huge sacrifices for us and our freedom.

Liam - 2023-11-10

I would like to say thank you to all of the armed forces that surved in wars or protected are country. I would also like to say thank you for your sacrafices you made to protect all of us. If I could do one thing to help the armed forces I would bring all the people that died back to life so that there families could see them again.

Dzashe - 2023-11-10

Dear forces member, I just want to thank you for your service and I want to thank you for keeping the Canada safe and peaceful. I want to thank you for your bravery. You have helped keep Canada safe for all people and I just want to take a moment to stop and think about what you have done for me and everyone else. Thank you From Dzashe

Tammy Macdonald - 2023-11-10

As the daughter, granddaughter, niece, and cousin of many members of the military, please accept my sincerest thanks for your bravery, your sense of duty and for our freedoms. My most sincere wish is for your safety, in order that someday, your relative can also write a note of thanks, after listening to your stories. "Keep your head down and your matches dry."

Tammy - 2023-11-10

As the daughter, granddaughter, niece, and cousin of many members of the military, please accept my sincerest thanks for your bravery, your sense of duty and for our freedoms. My most sincere wish is for your safety, in order that someday, your relative can also write a note of thanks, after listening to your stories. "Keep your head down and your matches dry."

Christina - 2023-11-10

On this day of remembrance I would like to recognize the sacrifices made by all the men and woman who wake up every day and choose to dedicate themselves to others for the greater good of all. Tomorrow is never a guarantee but knowing so many of you are working towards a peaceful one, is an amazing solace. How can we say thank you when thank you is not enough, they are just simple spoken words, when you take action to protect us. We are more grateful than you could ever know. Godspeed.

noémie - 2023-11-10

Allo moi je m'appelle Noémie merci pour ce que vous avez faites-vous avez un grand cœur ce n’est pas un travail facile. Je viens de grand sault, je viens de l'école élémentaire sacré cœur. Merci de vous sacrifier pour la canada

Patrick - 2023-11-10

Allo ! Moi c’est Patrick. Je viens de Grand-Sault. Je vais à l’école Sacré Cœur. Je veux être dans l’armée même que je sois plus vieux pour protéger mon pays comme vous autres.

mason - 2023-11-10

allo je vous remercie pour votre service et et défendre pour notre pays Mercie pour sacrifist sa maid bouqou Mercie pour gagner dest world war stai vraiment sorry stest vraiment dure You Guys lost boque de test ami mon non se Mason Clifford

Toetto - 2023-11-10

hi don't give up believing yourself keep on trying you are the best I know that you are scared I would be scared to.

CASEY - 2023-11-10

DEAER TROOPS YOU ARE A inspiration TO TOUSANDS of kids I Believe THAT you CAN BE safe so I Wish you luck LOVE Casey

Aurélie - 2023-11-10

Allo, je m’appelle Aurélie et je vie au Nouveau-Brunswick a Grand-Sault. Je vais à l’école Élémentaire Sacré Cœur et je suis en sixième année. Je voulais te dire: Merci pour tout ce que vous avez fait. Sans vous, nous serions perdus. Aucun mot ne peut à lui seul décrire la gratitude que nous éprouvons tous a l`égard du dévouement et du courage dont vous avez fait preuve pour accepter de partir au combat. MERCI!

Maxym - 2023-11-10

Bonjour je m’appelle Maxym je vis a Grand sault et je vais a l’école élémentaire Sacré Cœur merci de protéger notre pays , je vous remercie pour vos services. Je sais que vous faites beaucoup de sacrifice en protégeant Notre pays et nos libertés je suis reconnaissants pour défendre notre pays

Eva - 2023-11-10

Allo moi c’est Eva, je vie à Grand-Sault. Je voulais juste te dire que j’apprécie beaucoup ce que vous faites pour notre paye. Ses très gentil et généreux. Je peux juste m’imaginer comment dur c’est de faire ce travail. Ses pour sa que je vous suis fait cette notre.si vous perdre je vais devenir un soldat : D’Eva à l’école sacré cœur. PS je ne vais probablement pas devenir un soldat Sory -^o^-

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