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Bennett, Yuha, Willa, Travis - 2023-11-10

Dear service member, we are Christian students from a Christian school. Today we had a Remembrance Day assembly. We are so thankful for your service in the military, we wish you God's blessings.

Scarlett - 2023-11-10

Dear Soldiers, Thank you for protecting us in the war, and giving us peace. We hope that you know that we love you and are always thankful for what you did for us. We love you guys so much for working in the army. I hope you win soldiers! If you were injured I hope you feel better! Thank you for doing what you do so that we could live. Thank you for all the hard work that you put into protecting us! I hope that you don't get injured again, and that you can live a happy life knowing that you saved many people.

Everley and Shaelynn - 2023-11-10

Thanks for fighting in the war and for saving are country

Hudson, Olivia, Bennett, Evan - 2023-11-10

Hello Service Member, Thank you for defending our country! Thank you for serving others and keeping the peace. Sincerely, Hudson, Olivia, Bennett, Evan

meaghan,arianna,isla - 2023-11-10

Dear veteran Thank you for keeping us safe thanks for your hard work we are very thankful for you

Willow - 2023-11-10

Hello soldiers, we just wanted to say thank you for fighting for us, and for protecting us we really appreciate it. You made us able to be free and have a free country. We hope you have a great day, stay safe. We will be praying for your safety.

Ruby - 2023-11-10

Dear Veteran, I want to say thank you for protecting our country and giving your lives for us and Canada. I am so thankful I can live a comfortable life, I am so very grateful for you. What you did is so brave and you really changed our lives for what you did. Ruby, 5 years old.

Juan - 2023-11-10

Hello CAF member, Thank you for defending our country. I pray that you stay safe. Thank you for all that you do. we hope that you come back home soon to your family. -Juan

liam - 2023-11-10

Thank you for your service in the army and thank you for protecting us . Plus being brave

Maelle, Kate, Gavin - 2023-11-10

Dear Soldier Thank you for helping us by fighting for our freedom, we pray you stay safe. Thank you for risking your life for us.

students at pcs - 2023-11-10

Dear soldiers We are praying for you Thank you for keeping peace in our country and Thank you for your service.

zoe - 2023-11-10

Dear Soldier Thank you for your bravery and fighting in the war.

Eva, Betty, Max, Noah - 2023-11-10

Dear Soldier Thank you for helping to keep us safe. We are very grateful for your hard work and immense sacrifices. We're praying for you! Remember Joshua 1:9, "Be strong and courageous, for the Lord is with you wherever you go" Eva (12), Betty (12), Max (5), and Noah (4) Providence Christian School

KB SS JB - 2023-11-10

Thank you for giving us a free country. We feel sorry for the ones who lost their lives in battle

Aoife - 2023-11-10

I support you all very much and I hope you won't die at any point especially if you have a very big and nice family. By the way this was written by my friend directed me to write this because I wanted to write a letter and happy remembrance day.

Gregory, Carter, Keira - 2023-11-10

Dear Veteran, We are a group of Providence Christian School students who wanted to tell you we thank you for fighting for our freedom. We thank you for keeping our country safe by fighting with your team. Thank you for sacrificing part of your life to keep our families safe. From Gregory, Carter, and Keira

Light House Programs - 2023-11-10

Hello. We are a group of adults from a day program in Kitchener. On the eve of Remembrance Day we wanted to take the time to thank you for your service and keeping us safe. We know you sacrifice your time away from loved ones for us and others around the world. You are all heroes in our hearts. We our so grateful to you. We wish you safety and peace and hope you see your loved ones soon. Love, your friends at Light House

Maelle - 2023-11-10

Thank you, for all of the work and effort you have put in to the safety and security of our country. You are incredibly brave, strong, and probably pretty resilient too. Thank you for letting me be able to wear this poppy today, for being able to know that when I fall asleep tonight that no one will hurt me. I know that this is a privilege, and that some kids do not have this. Thank you for being you. It keeps our country, and others safe.

malachy - 2023-11-10

10Nov2023 Hi Canadian soldier, Some day I would like to join you guys some day also thank you for your service.

E.M - 2023-11-10

“Little poppy Given to me Help me keep Canada Safe and free I'll wear a little poppy As red as red can be To show that i remember Those who fought for me” -Unknown This is a little poem about remembrance day, it has such little words but many big meanings. I would like to take this moment in my life to thank all the soldiers who fought with their life for this country. They knew this situation was life or death, some were scared, some were happy to defend this country, even though some of those soldiers were scared shitless, they knew it would be to protect humanity and all life of our country. I plan on going into the army when i graduate, i know i'm not going anywhere in my life and it wont change after my years of school, but i have a future in the military, i know the situation and the risks but i still choose it. I want to make sure kids feel safe going to school or anywhere. I want to help my country feel as if we're untouchable because our country has the best soldiers in the world. Thank all of you guys who have given their lives for us, your life and death has protected this country, none of you will be forgotten.

emmalee - 2023-11-10

thanks for fighting for freedom. I don't think we would be here if it wasn't for you guys.Thanks for all the help.

Ameira - 2023-11-10

Hi, this is Ameira. I am in grade 6 in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Thank you for protecting this country. I just wanted to say I am greatful to you for keeping us safe, and I wish luck for all.

Xavier - 2023-11-10

Dear Soldiers, Firstly thank you for protecting our nation. I am glad that you have joined the army. So none of us get hurt. My friend wants to join you guys someday.

Timi - 2023-11-10

I would like to thank you for keeping the Country safe for everyone and sacrificing for Canada.

arianna - 2023-11-10

Thank you for everything You are my role modelI i really support what you've done for the country thanks for everything bye

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