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Olivia - 2023-11-14

November 14 2023 Dear,Canadian Armed Service Person, Hi, my name is Olivia and I am from Ontario, Canada. I am writing you a letter today because I want you to know that I am learning about what all the servicemen and women have done for us to be free. I can’t imagine what it would be like to sign up, go to a strange country and fight every day for my country’s freedom. I thank you for being so brave and going to fight for your country when you knew you might not come home to your family.You are so brave to fight for people and your family but you might die or you might survive I think you will do anything to save people and that is nice of you because you are putting yourselves before others and that is nice of you.I think that if you were doing this for so long it must be hard to save people from dying but you do this for people and you might not go home or you might.It must be hard to not sleep or not eat.It must be hard to leave what you love or who you love.I thank you so much and your family must have missed you so much.It must have been hard to leave your family and you will always put yourselves before others.I appreciate you and everything you have done for us.Please take care for yourself and your family.

Allison - 2023-11-14

Dear Armed Service Person, Hi, my name is Allison and I am from Ontario, Canada. I am writing to you a letter because I want you to know that I am learning about what all servicemen and women have done for us to be free. I can’t imagine what it would be like to go away from your family and country to fight for another country for their freedom. Thank you so much for fighting for all of the countries you have fought for. I can’t imagine how it would feel to see a war happening right in front of me. I appreciate you and everything you have done for us. Please take care of yourself and your family. Sincerely yours, Allison

cameron - 2023-11-14

Nov 11, 2023 Dear canadian armed forces Hi, my name is Cameron. I am from Ontario, Canada. Today I am writing to you because I can’t believe how brave you are signing up to go fight for who knows how long. It must be so scary going to fight far away from your friends and family. THANK YOU so much for everything you've done for us it sticks with you for the rest of your life that is so scary. It must be so hard leaving your kids and family and pets and friends behind to fight for people you don't even know. Thank you so much for fighting for us and the people of different countries, it must be so scary. Thank you so much for everything you have done for us please look out for yourself good luck out there. -Sincerely, Cameron

Olivia - 2023-11-14

November 14 2023 Dear,Canadian Armed Service Person, Hi, my name is Olivia and I am from Ontario, Canada. I am writing you a letter today because I want you to know that I am learning about what all the servicemen and women have done for us to be free. I can’t imagine what it would be like to sign up, go to a strange country and fight every day for my country’s freedom. I thank you for being so brave and going to fight for your country when you knew you might not come home to your family.You are so brave to fight for people and your family but you might die or you might survive I think you will do anything to save people and that is nice of you because you are putting yourselves before others and that is nice of you.I think that if you were doing this for so long it must be hard to save people from dying but you do this for people and you might not go home or you might.It must be hard to not sleep or not eat.It must be hard to leave what you love or who you love.I thank you so much and your family must have missed you so much.It must have been hard to leave your family and you will always put yourselves before others.I appreciate you and everything you have done for us.Please take care for yourself and your family.

Sophia - 2023-11-14

Hello my name is Sophia and I am from Ontario,Canada. I am writing you a letter today because I want you to know that I am learning about what all the servicemen and women have done for us to be free. It must be hurtful to see some men die or not coming home to see your family. And I also wonder what the food is like there. Is it good or is it bad? I just don’t really know but it's also brave to go out and fight for total strangers. Sometimes I wonder if you can sleep at night if I fought in the war. I would be really scared and tired. And I also thank you for all you’ve done for us. The nights must be hard and seeing your friends die hurts(if they die.) and i also thank you for fighting for this country and letting us all be free. But really is the food good? And sometimes does the day get hot or cold? Sometimes do you have to do dangerous stunts? What do you do when you are injured or get shot? Sincerely yours, Sophia T.

Madeline - 2023-11-14

November 11,2023 Dear : canadian armed service person Hi my name is madeline and I am from ontario,Canada .I am writing to you because I have learned so much about what you do and how you have made us to be able to be free.I can’t imagine how hard it would be to just leave your home and go to a place you do not now that might not speak the same language. Thank you for being so brave leaving your home and don't even know if you will come home . I thank you for the times that you have been scared and how you put others before yourself. Also I thank you for everyday that you were away from your family . And thank you for all your efforts in the war. I appreciate you and everything you have done for us. Take care of you and your family . Sincerely Madeline

Taylor - 2023-11-14

Hi, my name is Taylor and I am from Chatham, Ontario, I love playing sports like hockey and baseball and I also enjoy doing arts and crafts. Today I am writing you a letter because all of the service people in our world change our lives and make them free so I want to thank you for that. It is just so crazy to hear that you and all the other service people fly to other countries just to fight for freedom in our country. I really wonder if it is so hard to leave your familys and go to these countries to fight for us. For everything you do I want to thank you for being so brave, I also want to thank you for freeing our country, another thing I want to thank you for is for committing war even though you don’t have to. I am so glad for you and all the other service people to be here today and for being so brave to do what you have been doing. I hope you have a good rest of your day. Sincerely, Taylor

Marie - 2023-11-14

Dear Armed Service Person, Hi, my name is Marie and I am from Ontario, Canada. I am writing you a letter today because I want you to know that I am learning about what all the servicemen and women have done for us to be free. I can’t imagine what it would be like to sign up, go to a strange country, and fight every day for my country’s freedom. I thank you for being so brave and going to fight for your country when you knew you might not come home to your family. I thank you for the times you might have been scared and didn't know what would happen the next day. I thank you for all the nights you couldn't sleep, and for all the nightmares you have from experiencing war. I thank you for every moment that you put others before yourself. I also thank you for every day you had to be away from your family, I know they must have missed you every day. I appreciate you and everything you have done for us. Please take care of yourself and your family. Sincerely Yours, Marie

Savannah - 2023-11-14

November 14, 2023 Dear canadian Armed services person, Hi , my name is Savannah and I am from Ontario,Canada. I am writing you a letter today because I want you to know that I am learning about what all the servicemen and women have done for us to be free. I can't imagine leaving my home and signing up for our freedom. I am so glad you saved us. We are free to do what we want and I am so happy thank you so much but I know you still have those awful memories but it helped us so I am grateful you are so brave to fight for our country. Thank you. Sincerely yours Savannah:)

Danie - 2023-11-14

Cher soldats Je veut vous remercier pour nous protéger et nous faire sentire en sécurité et vous remercier pour votres service. Vous etre vraiment braves. merci pour toute je vous apprecie.

Lucas - 2023-11-14

Thank you for everything you all have done for our country. Thanks to you I feel safe. Thank you for being brave and for fighting for our country when mot people won't. Hope you all have a blessed Christmas. Thank you all again.

Shoto - 2023-11-14

thank you... Hello, I am Shoto a student in 8th grade I am writing this as a thank you in full respect for those who fought and those who died to make a better future for everyone or other reasons. I would like to pay respects to the soldiers that fought for our country and fought for whatever other reasons, thank you for fighting day and night away from home, your family, or even for fighting cause you wanted out of the situations at home, thank you for protecting this country from the countless things that could've happened and never did thanks to all those soldiers. Some people go into the army for selfish reasons but even then, those people did it for the right cause. Even if we won those battles, we will always have more to come for generations to come. Even the smaller battles, whether it’s a mental battle, a physical one or fighting for your life, it’s a battle to win or to lose, every day is a battle that you can win. this is my thank you to those who fought thank you for reading. Have a lovely day. -Shoto

Kayden - 2023-11-14

Thank you to all the veterans as well as those who are currently fighting for our freedom. We want to thank you for risking your life and freedom so we can be with our loved ones, Keeping us safe and our Country free. We will never forget the sacrifices that you all have made to make Canada the country it is.

Danika - 2023-11-14

Dear soldiers. My name is Danika. I am writing to you because, i want to say thank you. You did so much for all of us and to keep are world safe and peaceful. I am so very thankful for everything you all did. Sincerely, Danika.

Trisyn - 2023-11-14

Dear canadian soldiers , I wanted to thank everyone who has served for the freedom and peace that I have right now. Today i wanted come on here and thank you for your hard work. I hope that when u look back instead of being sad u are proud of your hard work. I would also like to wish to live a life of pride by saving of peace and country. by:Trisyn

Morin - 2023-11-14

Dear soldiers, I just want to say thank you for serving our country. It must take some real courage to go over to a foreign country overseas not knowing if you'll come back. So, from the bottom of my heart thank you.

Gavin - 2023-11-14

Dear Armed Forces, Thank you for your service for the rights and freedoms of citizens in foreign countries. I hope you stay safe and carry out your mission in your assigned district

Marissa, Annabel, Madeleine et Janie - 2023-11-14

Chers Vétérans/soldats, On vous remercie sincèrement du fond de notre cœur pour votre service à notre pays. On sait que c'est grâce à vous que notre pays est libre et non en guerre. On vous remercie encore de nous faire sentir protèges et en sécurité. On honore votre sacrifice et on est reconnaissant de tout ce que vous avez fait pour garder la paix. Nos sincères remerciements, Annabel, Janie, Madeleine et Marissa

Audrey et Jasmine - 2023-11-14

Pour commencer, on voulait écrire ce petit message pour vous remercier pour vos combats et pour proteger notre pays. Maintenant, on peut se sentir en sécurité et en paix au Canada. Je ne pourrais pas remercier assez tous les vétérans qui se sont sacrifiés pour notre pays.

Alexandrie et Marieve - 2023-11-14

Nous aimerions remercier tous les soldats et les vétérans qui ont combattu pour notre pays pendant la Première Guerre mondiale et tous les moments difficiles. Nous sommes très reconnaissantes de ce que vous avez fait pour notre pays et on voudrait vous dire un gros merci et continuez votre beau travail.

Rebecca et Alyssa - 2023-11-14

Chers Vétérans et Soldats, merci pour votre service pour nous donner de la liberté d`aller a l`école en sécurité. Mes amies apprécient votre gentillesse pour nous aider à faire des bonnes décisions pour nous.

Savanna - 2023-11-14

Chers Soldats, merci pour votre service et notre libération vous être des héros. Sincèrement, Savanna

Fred - 2023-11-14

Merci, aux vétérans pour combats et nous protéger. Aussi, pour apporter de la paix et du respect dans notre pays.

Nicholas - 2023-11-14

Je veux vous dire merci d'aller en guerre pour notre territoire et notre liberté.

Leo - 2023-11-14

Merci de nous protéger. De plus, de nous faire sentir en sécurité

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