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Léon - 2023-11-10

Hello dear soldier that served or are serving the army, I am writing to you because in today’s class we talked a lot about remembrance day. We want to thank you for your courage and bravery. Your service is greatly appreciated and we remember you on this day. We will never forget you for what you did. I know it must be hard, you must have seen a lot of challenges such as being away from your family. I hope you had some fun with friends or people that you know well during serving in the army. I just want you to know that today is the day that everyone reminds of you so please be happy. a person that respect your job (;

Félix - 2023-11-10

Hello, How is life, I hope it’s good. I write this to say that your job is important for us, normal humans, so don’t quit your job it’s important. Your work is essential for our society and we need you to keep going. Please stay and do your best. Thank you for your hard work. So have good day! bye. A person who respects your job. (: ??

Victoria - 2023-11-10

Cher soldat, Merci de te battre en notre nom. On va toujours pensé à toi car tu a fait beaucoup de sacrifice pour être un soldat. Quand je vais porter un coquelicot je vais pensé à toi et les personnes décédé pendant la gueare. Merci de défendre notre pays tu es un très bon représentant. Bonne journée\nuit. Merci pour ton service. -Victoria

vincent - 2023-11-10

Hello member of the Armed Forces, I write this text to you to say thank you to all the soldier for protecting us. I think all the troops merit a big thanks for helping us. To protect us continue training yourself and I know this can be difficult but you have to know that a lot person support you. So thanks. vincent

Evan - 2023-11-10

Chèr(e) M.Soldat ou Mme.Soldate Merci pour battre en notre nom.Tu a mis beaucoup d'efforts pour protéger notre pays.On va toujours pensée a toi.Tu es un bon représentant pour pays.

Nathan - 2023-11-10

Thank you for protecting the country. I know is not easy to leave your family behind. I know the war is sad but we are very proud of you. Thanks for all the things you do .

sookie - 2023-11-10

Dear soldiers thank you for protecting Canada. It is because of you that we have such a safe and comfortable country. I remember you not only on november 11th but everyday that you are out fighting, and everyday that you remember your times at war. thank you.

kaalyn - 2023-11-10

my name is kaalyn and i am 10 years old and i'm so so thankful for you guys

NICOLE - 2023-11-10

hi my name is Nicole Thank you so much for helping us . You guys are good people and you guys save so many lives. We love you guys so much and we hope you guys have a good day

MICHELLE - 2023-11-10

hi my name is michelle we all love you guys fighting for or freedom you guys is so good wow

Fawn - 2023-11-10

Hello! my name is Fawn and I'm from Ontario, Canada! I'm in grade 5, and i'd like to say I think it's awesome how so many people have served in the army. My great grandfather was a sailor in ww2, I think your courage is amazing and i wish you all well! it's so shocking how you all risked your life to keep the future generations safe. I always wear a poppy when i have the chance to honour your bravery. Thank you! -Fawn

NICOLE - 2023-11-10

hi my name is Nicole Thank you so much for helping us . You guys are good people and you guys save so many lives. We love you guys so much and we hope you guys have a good day

Anael Banyaku - 2023-11-10

bonjour je mapelle anael merci de nous protéger merci a nous aimer, vous avez sacrifer votre vie pour nous que vous rester on paix que dieu vous garde.

Ethan - 2023-11-10

Hi, my name is Ethan. I'm in Grade 5 and I would like to say thank you for protecting our country.

Jessica - 2023-11-10

Dear canadian troop, I'm thankful for your service towards the canadian government. Our country wouldn't have the peace that we have without you. I admire your bravery and courage. Thank you for risking your life towards the greater good.

Tyson - 2023-11-10

Thank you for fighting for freedom and for fighting for Canada.

Eva:) - 2023-11-10

Chers soldats, Vous êtes tellement courageux c'est incroyable! Vous êtes vraiment fort. De plus, vous êtes tellement brave. Si jétais un soldat j'aurais vraiment vraiment peur. Bravo!

Makenzie - 2023-11-10

hi my name is Makenzie and I want to thank you for all the freedom you give us in are life. you guys make so many people fell safe.

everett - 2023-11-10

thank you for fighting for our country to keep everyone safe

Jaxson - 2023-11-10

Thank you so much for protecting our land and you are all good people. We appreciate the sacrifices you have made for our freedom.

Mustafa - 2023-11-10

Thank u for protecting us and fighting for us. and protecting Canada for us and u did really good.

Carleigh - 2023-11-10

Hi, im Carleigh, and I want to say thank you for risking your life for peace in all of Canada, and I will always remember you.

Mr. Plat's Grade 2/3 Class - 2023-11-10

Thank you for your sacrifice and providing protection for our country. We appreciate the freedom that you have given us. To honour you, We will stand up tall during O'Canada, and proudly wear our poppies. Thank you for keeping the peace and protecting our friends and families. We pray for your safety.

Brody - 2023-11-10

Thank you for protecting us in Canada. We thank you for every thing you have done. And happy remembrance day.

Georgia - 2023-11-10

Hello! If you see this i want to say thank you so much for fighting for our peace. You all are amazing!

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