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Joshua - 2023-11-28

Dear soldier. My name is Josh, and my teacher is making us write letters to soldiers! So I thought I’d put as much effort as I could into this. Although we don’t know each other, I thought I’d introduce myself! I like video games, going on bike rides, and going and looking at the creek near where I live. But on a side note, I’d like to say that I really appreciate you for helping out with keeping canada safe. Everyone here at my school is very appreciative of you, and we are glad you’re helping protect this country. Thank you for everything you’ve done to keep this country safe. Although I would ask a question, I don’t quite know my address, so you cant respond sadly. But thank you for everything! - Joshua Hume

Emma - 2023-11-28

Dear Canadian soldier, My name is Emma I have a cat and I love to crochet and draw! Me and many others are very thankful for your service and I hope you are doing well! I appreciate you and many others fighting for our land and territory. Sincerely, Emma

Zayden - 2023-11-28

Dear Soldier, I hope this letter makes your day better wherever you may be. I know you might be cold or sad or something else but remember this is only temporary, Thank you for serving our country and maybe helping other countries as well.

Keyna - 2023-11-28

Dear Soldier, Thanks for protecting Canada and making sacrifices to keep every one’s loved ones safe and i know being away from home sucks but keep going cause your awesome! And it's snowing now! have a great holiday season and never give up. Sincerely, Keyna.

Jayden - 2023-11-28

Hello I am getting to know some of y’all by my teacher, and i want to say keep up the amazing work, Sacrifices may be sad, but we will remember them, if you're reading this, thanks, I also play games on roblox about war! it is fun, from Jayden

Madison - 2023-11-28

Dear Canadian Soldier Me, my friends, my family and many more people are very grateful that you are sacrificing for all of us and fighting for our land and territories! I hope your doing great and I know you fight hard! Thanks for everything you do for us and I give my thanks and appreciation to all of you. I love to do normal activities like swimming and I really admire all you do for this place and the sacrifices you make. Our homes are safe thanks to you and if it weren't for all of you this world would be a place without peace. Thank you again, for everything. Sincerely, Madison

James Birchall - 2023-11-28

Canadian Armed Forces, Have a gnarly day people! Take care, James B.

Bill Carroll - 2023-11-27

Thank you so much for your service in a time of global insecurity.May this coming season find you healthy and secure in the knowledge that the country truly appreciates your sacrifice at Christmas

Ells - 2023-11-27

Randy Armstrong once said; "Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles. It takes away today's peace." With that in mind I'm sending you wishes for a very Peaceful 2023 Christmas. Thank you for your place in the world that allows us to truly appreciate your service. Sending best wishes and blessings to you, a courageous soldier.

Michelle Dow - 2023-11-27

Dear Troops, I would like to thank you for everything you do to make me, and my family feel safe. I am looking forward to spending the holidays with family and friends. I am sorry that you may have to spend your holiday season without family. I appreciate all the sacrifices you make to help the world become a place of peace, love and happiness! Sincerely, Michelle

Ells - 2023-11-26

"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day!" was said by Andy Rooney. Even though you may not be able to experience that this year, please know that your service is greatly appreciated and I wish you many blessings on this Christmas Day for 2023 and a peace in your heart as you reflect on this very special day. We thank you for being our protection and our strength.

Denise Desrochers - 2023-11-26

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas to all our Canadian Forces wherever you may be. All the very best to you, your unit, and your families at home. Be safe out there.

Donna - 2023-11-26

Thank you for what you do so far from home and family, that allows me to be with mine. Wherever you are please know you are in our prayers and thoughts. May you have a Merry Christmas and be with your loved ones soon.

Jane - 2023-11-25

Thank you for the sacrifices you make in your life to help keep my freedom.

Bob LaFortune - 2023-11-25

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for the work you are doing, for all Canadians.

Angie - 2023-11-24

From my family to all of you brave, dedicated and wonderful souls, we would like to send you light, love, comfort and safety over the holiday season. Merry Christmas and have a healthy and safe New Year!

Mike - 2023-11-23

Dear Canadian Forces, Thanks for all your hard work in Canada and throughout the world. I wish you all the best, stay safe and Have a Merry Christmas! Mike

Maximo - 2023-11-20

There are so many ways to thank you.I thank you for fighting in the war. For being brave.I like video games. Have you flown a plane?. what peace means to me, is people not fighting over meaningless things. My part about Remembrance Day is the poppies because they’re beautiful

Declan - 2023-11-20

Thank you for giving us our freedom. My name is Declan I live on Vancouver island. Which branch in the military were you in. Which war were you in. Peace to me means everyone is respected. My favourite thing about remembrance day is the people that died and the people that survived WW2 get to be respected and remembered. Sincerely Declan

Henry - 2023-11-20

Thank you for your service. When I think of peace I think of no wars no fighting

Skyla - 2023-11-20

Hi my name is Skyla. I am 10 years old. I live on Vancouver island. Thank you for keeping us safe. I have a question for you were you scared you were going to pass away in war? What brings you peace? I know what brings me peace it’s horses cows family and friends. My favourite part of Remembrance Day is knowing that all of the people who fought in war for the world. I hope I did not make you sad or mad I hope I made you happy. I am sorry you fought in war thank you for taking time out of you day just to read my letter.

Danika - 2023-11-20

Thank you for saving our country. My name is Danika I like to read,Hang out with my friends,I like to hang out with my family and pets. Thank you for doing all these things that I can do. Were you scared when you went to war? How long did you serve in the military? Were you in the navy,Air Force,Army? Do you have any pets yourself? Peace means that I don’t have to be scared when I’m going to school. I like learning about wars,And having a moment of silence.

Brodie - 2023-11-20

Hi thank you for protecting are country

Natalie - 2023-11-20

Thank you for taking care of our country. My name is Natalie, I live in crofton on Vancouver island. I like to read, listen to music, skateboard around town. I play soccer, and volleyball, and I also do track.I recently dressed as a frat boy for halloween. Did you ever get shot at? How long did you serve in military? My great great grandpa served in world war 11. Were you ever in the navy? Peace means to me that I don’t have to be scared to get up in the morning and go to school. My favourite part of Remembrance Day is : wearing a poppy.

James William Birchall - 2023-11-20

Attention!: Canadian Armed Forces, In case you don't remember and know this by now, Hitler was a jerk! He was a despicable man and it was Canada and her allies that put an end to WWII and his goals! Bleck! The thought of that man makes me want to throw up! Take care, James B.

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