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Land Vehicle Crew Training System

Project Type

Project New


The Land Vehicle Crew Training System project will deliver a training system, connected by a network and housed in purpose built facilities, to enable crews of the principle armoured combat vehicles to train as realistically as possible at their home garrison locations.


The LVCTS will replicate all crew stations within the Light Armoured Vehicle 6.0, the Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank and the Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle with sufficient realism to enable soldiers to train both as individuals and collectively up to the combat team level. This will be achieved using a networked synthetic environment that realistically simulates various terrain and enemy capabilities. The LVCTS will be delivered to the five main Canadian Army garrison locations (Gagetown, Valcartier, Petawawa, Edmonton and Shilo) with sustainment provided at each facility by contractors.

Funding Range

$250 million to $499 million

Anticipated Timeline (Fiscal Year)

Options Analysis Phase
In Progress
Start Definition
Start Implementation
Initial Delivery
Final Delivery

Defence Capability Areas

Defence Capability Investment Areas

Key Industrial Capabilities

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