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LAV Specialist Variant Enhancements (LAV SVE)

Project Type

Project New


This project will group three previously separate projects into a single project relating to the LAV III Upgrade specialist vehicle variants including:

  1. Target Observation and Fire Correction System (TOFCS) Upgrade;
  2. Common Remote Weapons System (RWS); and
  3. LAV Observation Post Vehicle (OPV) CCIV.


This project will procure and integrate the following sub-systems on the LAV 6.0 Upgrade specialist vehicle variants: 1. Procure and integrate a Targeting Independent Viewer (TIV) formerly referred to as the LAV OPV CCIV for the fleet of 47 LAV Observation Post Vehicle (OPV); 2. Modernize the Target Observation and Fire Correction System (TOFCS) for the fleet of 47 LAV OPV; and 3. Procure and integrate a Remote Weapon System for the 44 LAV Engineer vehicles to upgrade the in-service AN/MWG-505 which is approaching end of life expectancy.

Funding Range

$100 million to $249 million

Anticipated Timeline (Fiscal Year)

Options Analysis Phase
Definition Phase
In Progress
Start Implementation
Initial Delivery
Final Delivery

Defence Capability Areas

Defence Capability Investment Areas

Key Industrial Capabilities

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