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Weapon Effects Simulation Modernization

Project Type

Project Extension


The Project will upgrade or replace the current hardware and software used by the Weapons Effects Simulation (WES) systems at Canadian Army bases. The Project will augment instrumentation and simulation equipment to increase the realism of joint collective training exercises. The Project will take advantage of technological advances to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of training and the After Action Review process.


Potential project requirements and deliverables could include: improvements to soldier and vehicle WES equipment, integration of air assets, improved exercise control software and communications networks, expansion of communications coverage zones, integration with constructive and/or virtual simulations, and instrumentation at urban training sites.

Funding Range

$250 million to $499 million

Anticipated Timeline (Fiscal Year)

Start Options Analysis
Start Definition
Start Implementation
Initial Delivery
Final Delivery
Beyond 2035

Defence Capability Areas

Defence Capability Investment Areas

Key Industrial Capabilities

Not applicable.

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