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Land Command Support System Tactical Communications Modernization

Project Type

Project Replace


The project will improve the ability of tactical commanders and their staffs to exchange planning and execution information by modernising and re-capitalising the in-service tactical communication systems. The project will provide robust, reliable, and adaptive bearer systems and management tools for use in connecting mission elements engaged in land operations.


The requirements and exact scope are being defined but should include modernization of tactical voice and data radios, as well as beyond line of site and high capacity line of site communications systems for CA Bde and below. All tactical communications systems from Bde HQ to dismounted elements will be addressed, including vehicular networking equipment/comms suites. It will also include planning and management tools to support the effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum and gateways or cross domain solutions to interface with Joint, Interagency, Multinational and Public systems.

Funding Range

$1 billion to $4.99 billion

Anticipated Timeline (Fiscal Year)

Options Analysis Phase
In Progress
Start Definition
Start Implementation
Initial Delivery
Final Delivery

Defence Capability Areas

Defence Capability Investment Areas

Key Industrial Capabilities

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