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Construct CAF TC, CFB Shilo, MB

Project Type

Project Replace


Design and build a infrastructure capable of addressing the shortfalls in the current accommodations that do not provide the infrastructure required to properly support this unit in providing the full spectrum of services to our soldiers and their families, nor does it permit the enhanced capacity of the CAF TU and its Transition Centre, as directed by the CDS and the new Defence Policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged. The current facilities do not provide sufficient work and counseling space to properly administer and support the transitioning of ill and injured CAF members; nor does it properly accommodate the daily needs of the staff to function in a workplace.


This project will construct a new 865 m2 facility, intended to house approximately 25 personnel. The facility will also accommodate the staff of the CAF Transition Centre (CAF TC) with identified workspaces, reception areas, as well as individual, group and specialized counseling and therapy spaces. This new infrastructure will allow CAF TG and its Transition Centre to effectively administer, sufficiently support, and dutifully assist all transitioning CAF members back to duty or to civilian life. The Construct Transition Centre (TC) project will achieve a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification and be Net Zero ready. The current TC accommodation building L106 will be demolished after the new facility is completed.

Funding Range

Under $20 million

Anticipated Timeline (Fiscal Year)

Options Analysis Phase
Definition Phase
In Progress
Start Implementation
Initial Delivery
Final Delivery

Defence Capability Areas

Defence Capability Investment Areas

Key Industrial Capabilities

Not applicable.

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